
And that would be the other one.

In all honesty, I’m on nobody’s side in these situations. The double parking beemer driver is a douche for double parking, and quite frankly the truck driver is a douche for blocking his driver side door. On the other hand, the beemer driver is a double douche for vandalizing the truck afterwards.

It’s hinged that way to deflect more air down into the lift fans while it’s accelerating towards stall speed. Otherwise, at even relatively low forward speeds that inlet would become a low pressure zone and reduce the thrust being generated.

An extended swing arm = a bigger jump at the beginning.

Why do we have to qualify that statement to just motorcyclists. I’m in favor of anything that leads to fewer people doing stupid things.

I think the GT350R will be the more appropriate comparo to the Z28. Just from sticker price alone, the Z28 is over 20k more than the GT350.

I didn’t spend 4 years in college and work my ass off to waste my time considering how much HP I need. The only thing that matters is how much HP I want.

More than likely it was the extremely hot exhaust pipes running directly under the engine that ignited the oil. Rubber just isn’t going to catch anything on fire.

after a blown tire causes his ‘95 Cherokee to do some somersaults off the road

It has surely happened.

out of factory allowed specs.

Using a turn signal is not a declaration that it’s safe to change lanes

You’re just as likely to get shot by the ED-209 as you are the other party.

There’s zero chance the battery will have any charge left in it, so bring a spare with you, or a lunar tow truck.

Handheld camera in a supercar on the track = utter crap! There are two properly mounted go-pros in the view of that camera, and yet they post this bouncy crap instead? Somebody deserves a good smack upside the head. My vote is both the driver AND the passenger.

Iran is far from being a democracy as we understand it in the west

She was uninjured or injured lightly enough to exit the car

It’s a lot of aggression towards an inconsiderate douche bag. I have no problem with any amount of aggression towards that kind of person, justified or not. Rage on Tonto, rage on.

So you start off saying you aren’t going to say a word about the design, then immediately proceed to write 74 words about the design.

Just curious, but has anyone asked the grid girls what they think of this idea? Since, you know, they're the ones losing their job. Seems to me like this is another case of a lot of people without a dog in the fight throwing their opinions around like those opinions actually matter.