over the age of 17who takes pictures with their tongue and middle fingers out is an automatic asshole
5) Football will kill its participants via a combination of head trauma and pain med dependency, while the college pipeline is a glorified plantation for players who don’t get a pro contract afterwards. Also Chris Christy being a Dallas fan should tell you how evil the whole enterprise is.
So nobody came here to give kudos, huh? He’s got a certain loose-limbed, self-deprecating charm. Not sure how he will age as a performer, but he might as well capitalize on his moment.
MRA’s wont’ be happy unless the movie opens with the entire cast from the last Ghostbusters film being flattened by the Staypuft man.
Cool an author I like is being adapted by someone who fucking sucks at writing movies!
“with the U.S. government once again rounding people into camps for bullshit reasons”
Is there a non-bullshit reason for rounding people into camps?
I guess what I’m saying is, fuck the Boy Scouts.
It’s not about using the dance. It’s about SELLING the dance as add-on content without giving proper credit and compensation.
That’s like saying you can’t own a song, cause we all have voices. Can’t own a book, cause we all have fingers to write. Can’t own a game, cause can all type code. Absurd argument.
This is the shittiest fucking take possible.
let’s keep in mind that applying logic to to the actions of those who suffer from serious mental illness issues is fucking stupid.
Yeah. It’s definitely not nice to bully a person who isn’t allowed to work because his own actions have created an unsafe work environment for his coworkers.
lol, his apology where he didn’t apologize was a sincere one.
lol. the guy in a bad place who is in that bad place because he sexually harassed women and lied is now being bullied.
lol. he did lie about it like every other scumbag for years until there was a story that came out about it.
Here’s what you do, from one tired dad to another:
Is this really an article about how Emma Thompson wore sneakers with no photo of her wearing sneakers???
No McElroys at all? Fuck these awards.
Does WTF with Marc Maron and The Joe Rogan Experience really count as a comedy podcast? What is “Best Curiosity” as a category? Goop, purveyor of dangerous medicine and pseudoscience, is “Best Health and Fitness”? Fucking BEN SHAPIRO is under “Best News”?!
There’s a distinct lack of McElroy and their journey to being…
Are you talking about Jeffery Dean Morgan or Richard Dean Anderson?
Grew up poor white trash, abused and neglected.