
I think it's obvious. Ask the average person what a Samsung Series 9 is and then ask them what a Macbook Air is.

For some reason I read that in the voice of Peter Griffin.

Great point, this series will definitely be more "influenced" and/or political. Great point indeed.

According to the actual article, it seems any phone running 2.2 or higher should work.

Lol, Google will never be crushed.

It's for stability in high speed winds.

I think 4.7" is perfect, we just have to shrink the other parts of the phone, namely the bezel.

Yeah, I'm very pessimistic when it comes to this as well, but I just can't complain too much right now. I've been a rooted user for many years now and hopefully these "changes" won't affect rooted users.

Iron workers have been doing this for years. Before safety was an issue in the work place they for-went the harness altogether: [www.google.com]

I'm still extremely happy that Verizon allows me to keep my unlimited plan even when I upgrade from a 3G device to a 4G device. Earlier this week, Verizon replaced my Fascinate with a Charge for free, so I've been happy with big red lately.

You forgot marijuana. Smoking something might be the last thing you want to do when you're severely hungover, but once you do it, you'll feel much better. It makes you thirsty so you re-hydrate yourself, it's a pain killer so it helps with any discomfort and puts you in a better mood all around, and it makes you

I'm not interested in paying for two mobile data plans. One smartphone is plenty. Any other mobile devices can tether off it. A cellphone is one of those things that never leaves your side, so it's already always on you.

Great point, never thought about that. I prefer a simple, no moving parts, design myself but don't see where all the hate over physical keyboards are coming from.

They aren't the first to do this. There is a similar hookah called the Sniper here, and they have other nice looking pipes as well: [www.medusedesign.com]

You can only go with the whole "fuck the people" ethos before they flip that creed around.

Was in Kauai at the end of May. One of these days I'll build a home there.

Damn, I wanted it to be a Texas Instruments and Motorola venture. Hopefully, earlier reports are true that all carriers will get a Nexus-like product.

Wasn't being sarcastic at all.


My feet never smelled until I wore these (and I love them). Of course, I never wore shoes without socks before either. I Had to scrub feet daily and wash vibrams weekly. I bought the toe socks and haven't had a problem yet. I highly recommend the socks in hot and humid climate.