
Field Sobriety Tests

Yeah, this isn't about weed, it's about human rights. You should be able to use whatever drug you like. Who is anyone to say what you can and can't put in your body? Of course commercializing it is when you get into age limits and intoxication laws and what now.

I had a Droid which I replaced with a Fascinate I bought off craigslist for $150. Loved my Droid but I shattered the screen and impulsively picked up the Fascinate instead repairing the screen. I bought the Droid on craigslist for 150 as well and have been eligible for a renewal for quite some time. Why upgrade if

So kinda like the N9 Meego, which is like the nano, but the curved and straight sides are switched around.

Yeah but the major point you're forgetting is that the first guy is better at what he does than the second guy.

I always heard pizza in Denver was supposed to be a bit better due to baking at a higher altitude. Also when I visited recently it seemed as if there was a pretty strong push for natural high quality ingredients and restaurants along with the whole environmentally conscious vibe.

Is this Twitter or a news blog? What's so crappy about Meego again? It's more open than Android and it's pure Linux, not just software sitting on top of it. Neither is it guarded by the world's most powerful company.

As moronic as they are, that was pretty fucking hilarious. Especially when the tree falls. And then funny again when the one guy was sitting there playing with his phone acting like he had nothing to do with it when someone came over to look at the fallen tree.

At what age should your Facebook account expire?


I think a lot of you guys ignore why the existence of god is even a valid question. Even a lot of atheist seem to think it's a valid question. It's like me saying there are 7 giraffes roaming the universe right now. You can't prove me wrong but we all know that it is a pretty invalid statement. And for those that

Hah, I thought she was a man dressed as a woman at first.

Some people are philosophically critical of the concept of money and capitalism. Things like this also upset people who believe we should all be doing our best to conserve our resources. A man with a million plus dollar apartment and trailer, within walking distance, is using more than his fair share of resources in

I'm waiting for the announcement that Google will offer Clean stock ROMs for all Android phones regardless of service provider or manufacturer.

No, it doesn't look like that at all.

This journalism on Gizmodo with the jingoistic undertones is getting annoying as hell.

So the screens look awesome, thinnest bezels on a laptop I've ever seen. But why can't they give us the complete package? Instead they put it on a base with an optical drive. I'd much rather see this technology on a thin as possible base without an optical drive.

If only the 5 incher had qHD or better.

Lol, I was going to post the same thing. The Droid 2 has the same dimensions.

Proof read much?