
One of the first things you learn about in construction is foundations. This shack apparently didn't have one.

For sure. It a a few weeks for my small pinky toes to get used to being spread out since my toes were bound together from wearing traditional toes. In my opinion you have to commit to these shoes, wearing them wherever you can and buying other shoes that allow for your toes to spread out and have minimal soles. I run

The no-door designs you see at airports, stadiums, and other busy restrooms are the best.


I would assume this is more for post workout recovery and not before workouts.

One of the neato features of CyanogenMod 7, it turns on and off with that CRT animation.

So if you're not a musician, you're shit out of luck.

Sweet, but is there an extension or feature that makes Google search results display your favorite sites at the top? For example when I search a movie title I always get IMDB, but what I really want is Rotten Tomatoes. Unfortunately, it's not always on the first page. I familiar with the keyword seach and that's what

So are you not including the maintenance of your gas guzzler? I doubt the people trying to simply be environmentally friendly will be sliding around in the dirt which hopefully translates to cheaper maintenance.

How about getting rid of active shutter glasses altogether? They're way too expensive. Let's go back to the old red & blues or anything that doesn't have electronics or moving parts.

So does this mean they are going to develop webOS for x86 or that Windows 8 on ARM architecture is closer than we think? If it's the latter, I'm sure dual booting Android with Windows 8 machines will be a free option for everyone.

Yes. I want the words "AOL" and "Facebook" together in a sentence to become a new buzz phrase. You can't be "cool" forever.

Off hand, Sony has had a 1080p 13" screen for a while. I'm sure there are others.

I always used this trick to see if my TV remote had working batteries in it if it was acting up.

Yes, society needs more logic and less emotion.

What does this have to do with tablets? Are people with laptops not doing this? "Couch surfing" was coined long before tablets existed.

If Windows 8 runs on ARM, I will get the first tablet the devs will dual boot on with Android. No tablet for me until then.

Wish I had known that before, definitely not getting this now.

Not enough contact patch, so you would lose a lot of grip. Probably unsafe in rain.

Hopefully this article was written with sarcasm.