
I would have went with "snow angel in his boxers" for the headline.

thanks for this

The new gorilla glass?

Yeah, but the brain would have performed much worse if it wasn't told what to look for.

I hope there will be a dock system that allows you to slide the phone into a tablet. The tablet will have no internals, just a touchscreen. Slim bluetooth keyboard optional.

Maybe because Apple wants people to forget about laptops and be more interested in even more mobile designs.

Just had an idea. Can we go back to just saying SLRs? It comes off the tongue so much easier.

WOW, unlimited data/text for $25? I might sign up just to use the phone as a hotspot device

Of course, this is from the perspective of a right-brainer.

Been using Synergy for years on my HTPC. Only issue I have with it is that you can't log on to Windows with it. The OS has to be completely booted before it will work for obvious reasons.

Been using Synergy on my HTPC for years. Only issue I have with it is that I can't log on to windows with it. The OS has to be booted already.


Wow, that is completely bad ass.

Great news, my original Droid was pretty intimidating to take apart.

Black and yellow!

Yeah, hopefully developers can figure out a way to get Jolicloud or ChromeOS on this bad boy when docked.

Is there any benefit from a larger track pad? Isn't it pretty maxed out now? 8 or 16gb? How about 64gb ssd for OSX and whatever else.

Design win.

Can't wait for Jobs to have to eat his own words when he releases an iPhone larger than 3.5".

You only 'need' food and water.