
@KTown: The good thing about that particular model is that the last Prelude looks quite similar and make this model look like a fresh design.

@OMGWTF_BBQ: We are just thoughts inside The Creator's mind. So, are we product of the imagination?

@John Eusebio: G.Lucas: "I'll be taking this award on behalf of Mr. Welles who couldn't make it to the ceremony. Here are some thankful words from Mr. Orson himself."

@BazookaJoe: Maybe it's a school zone speed.

@johnny: I pity the fool!


"Ooh I'm sorry, did you miss that Playboy TV movie you were planning to see?"

Add some police lights over the roof and make it the new Police Interceptor Explorer. Hell, call it even the new Bronco III.


Next product would be skis and snow track or snow board.

As awesome as it may seem. I would prefer Blizzard gave him a job or at least consider him as a lore assistant or some kind of shit like that.

So much hate and anger. Anger is the path to the Beige Side.

Seems like NASA doesn't want to spoil Pink Floyd's new album material.

@Mark 2000: So does that makes you a geekster?

It's gotta be the conversion of an old Mercedes-Benz with diesel engine to burn vegetable oil. They only thing I will be dependent it's the smell of sweet french fries or fried chicken.