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The new Fiat TwinAir engine for the 500.

I've found this one trying to look more pics of the Roll Royce Phantom II. I kinda like it. It looks better than the Panamera and fits in the V12 category.

@cccmanhattan: That was the info I was looking for. Thanks and heart-clicked.

@cccmanhattan: The problem with diesel in the US is something about the emissions. I can recall exactly all the fuss about it. But I agree with you, I can't imagine myself without needing to refuel for a month and without to replace all those expensive batteries when the time comes.

I can still hear him breathing heavily.

@Steven Ansell: It doesn't look furry. You get the impression of being furry because of the muscle fibers. Kinda if someone took all of your skin to reveal the muscles.

@79pinto: Good Lord! Three windshields.

@Areinu: Well it's kind of subtle way of making the prank more believable, since it's not a important function like trying to make something like:

It's kinda cool when people starts raving and crying about losing Linux supports. But all the clues are out there.

@Eskobar: "Kratos! Help me defeat Poseidon's horses, you've got to cross through the Forest of Lust"

@j1mbo: Finished reading... Mr. Caswell, the mothereffing gods of Carpocalypse and Henry Ford are smiling down upon you. Congrats again!

I know some of you may be tired of reading the joke LeMons car beat the WRC cars. But that my friends, is pure badassness. I haven't read the full article yet, but after reading the first few sentences I just had to say: Mr. Bill Caswell good job on humiliating everybody on your LeMons car and showing that money

@Americanitis: Beautiful Alfa Romeo my friend. Super classy.

@zeeboid: I luv you, I want you to have my babies. You're like the Robin Hood of parking spots.

@cchannel BLT: That's what it happens when your man is using ladies bodywash.

@Bgrngod: I really get your point. Nothing sells better than free incentives, but since Microsoft is having issues with pirated games that would give the pirate a free game plus free DLC content.