
@pauljones: Now I know that it could be worse. Glad I didn't join in 2008.

"My boss is tired of bad press coverage, maybe you won't be lucky next year. Now, gimme you goddamn money."

@Elhigh: I can't stop bringing her up. It's like a disease, she's the perfect example of doing it wrong.

At least someone is not doing it wrong.

@stevecmh: Exactly. Imagine James Bond trying to change radio stations in one of those new touch screen setups in cars while baddies are chasing him.

@ss750ie: Excellent choice. But I don't know why that truck would look better with a little bit of rust, faded paint, a confederate flag, mud and two shotguns behind the seat.

@Motor_Yakuza: It's amazing the list of sports cars that are now available. Some are cheap fun cars, some are a little bit expensive but more powerful.

So Australia is like the home for endangered species?

At last, nothing like a bit of weak economy to start pushing designers and engineers creativity in the drawing table.

I was playing Final Fantasy 12 late at night, so I was getting kinda sleepy and there wasn't any damn save point near. So instead of looking for one with one eye open and the other one close and the reflex of a sloth, I decided to leave the PS2 Slim on pause and went to sleep.

The new Aveo Evolution X.

All I gotta say is... Time for some 4chan mischief. Make those guys create millions of Twitter accounts.

@Howl: It's just gang wars. A cocaine addict will not spend $15 bucks on his digital cure if his already high or tripping.

I was going to say five years ago, $300K in Blizzard shares would have meant something. Then talk about how batshit crazy that guy went spending so much money on a game that I thought to be new.

At least a Swedish Volvo was saved, let's see if those made in China has the same opportunity to be adopted as the truly Swedish icons.

@Novaload: I don't know why but I can't get out of my head this image.

@900pilot: Man, that looks like a distant cousin of Big Foot.

In 40 years there will be a thread in Jalopnik about a crazy guy buying 3 2009 muscle cars and welding them.

@stoke: We gotta give it for this car, the clock right next to the center of the steering wheel says is leet time!