
I was able to do this without mines (though it took a ton of time.)

In the first section, take control of the top left slig and use him to kill the others as they approach from the right. Each level on the right gets two enemies and you need to be accurate if you dont want them to get a shot off, because they almost

It’s the HBO Show. The Witcher games and novels got a big surge in sales from the Netflix show, and they’re probably hoping for the same thing from the high profile HBO show. 

What’s baffling is that PS5 owners already have access to the PS4 remaster of TLOU that already offers several performance options.

This is sarcasm right? Or can you not tell the difference between killing nazis and killing innocent civilians? Do you even know anything about this battle?

I have a friend who took part in military reenactments of WWII battles, often as a German soldier. After a while, he became disgusted with how that scene attracted modern Nazis, and dropped it.

YEah that was my thought too. I know it's the trend that kotaku must be punk rock about EVERYTHING, and everything is lame and evil. But yes shooting less civilians is good. This may be the best tool ever because it's not just cardboard cut outs. It may also end up being the best way to retrain the police. Having said

I’ve been saying the same thing. Why should I have to download the WZ when I just want the base game? 

Not surprising, 343 has been destroying Halo to make it’s games for years.

The theory is clearly plausible given what type of virus we’re dealing with and where the pandemic appears to have started. It’s not wrong to look into the lab escape hypotheses, though I don’t know what productive outcomes could possibly follow if proven correct. The primary problem, as many here will probably point

I think your description of the PS4-PS5 transfer for Marvel’s Avengers has a bit of Hyperbole. It only took me the time to download the update for the PS4 version, which was about 13 minutes, and the rest was pretty quick. It helps that I just took my external drive from my PS4 and plugged it into my PS5, so I keep

Really not into this trend where giant media companies kotow to the most belligerent sects of their respective fandoms. Rise of Skywalker felt tailor-made to address all the angry “Ruin Johnson” videos, the Snyder Cut is coming out tomorrow and that thing only really exists to placate weirdly obsessive man children,

It definetly feels like gears of war with loot and powers. One of those games that are fun with friends for sure. I say gears of war because you know a fight is going to happen when you see nothing but knee high walls. 

Okay, so: the current structure of Destiny 2 is that each year there is an annual “A-plot” expansion, and also three or four season-long “B-plots,” running in parallel.

Nothing was more annoying with social spaces in games where you can’t really be social. On console in particular you just know no-one in those spaces is going to have a mic so they just feel barren and empty (see The Tower in Destiny 1) while on PC with MMOs they’re huge but then all the action is in only one useful

The Bethesda get is huge and I don’t think a lot of folks are realizes how big of a get that really is.

I don’t like how all these apology statements talk about how the person may have “hurt” other people and other communities. When minorities are angry, we are not angry because we are victims, like we are weak people to are slighted by the smallest breeze. We are angry because you disrespected us. You signaled that you

Happenstance is different than active planning. Your friend of a friend’s friend didn’t plan on getting the shot, they just happened to be there at the right time and if they didn’t get the shot it probably would have gone to waste. Better somebody get it rather than it being trashed. There’s no moral question there.

And yet I remember each and every moment from the film.


God, what does it take to impress you fuckers?

Nah, Kong Skull Island is the best Kaiju movie.  But to each their own.