J. Wake

Gawker needs to fix their shit. This is just to log in...

This honey monk don't care.

Mmm sorry. I read it as opposite. :(

My exact thoughts. I was disappoint.

"The next time someone says how stupid the name Revengeance +is, Metal ..."

Looking young? You have weird tastes, my friend.

Where is the "Lost it and was forced by management to say he didn't. Not to cover his ass, but to cover their ass and keep it on the down low between Sony and them."

Was well worth the $5. This man is awesome.

Now do you retards see why I was saying the new UI was shit?

Nah I mean the clouds people build out of wool and stuff, not the environment ones.

Lol at the guys walking around pretending to know what every aspect of the plane is for.

It looks like as if it was made in Minecraft. Most clouds I see in that game look just as shitty as this supposed cloud.

Now if only you knew what a wave looks like.

Hmm. Solider is a Chinese rip-off?

Did you not read the first 3 sentences?

here just to log in... Button is broken.

I'm not saying they are bad, I actually love Nintendo games because there is nothing quite like them. They have an emotion attached to them that makes them unique and feel like a true game. What I was mostly complaining about was that the only way to play these game is with a handheld device with the 3D gimmick, or a

Those pics show exactly why I'm not getting this. Nintendo needs to stop with the gimmicks and just step into the current/nextgen. At least let Xbox 360 or PS3 have these games as well. If this game used a real controller and looked super chrisp like every game except Nintendo's, then I would absolutely buy this and

At least he wasn't born with toe thumbs. HEYO!