J. Wake

I guess you don't like reading the full article. It's a shame that so many idiots browse the internet and control if a device is successful or not based on their decision to not read.

There is something about Vines that I find very disturbing.

Fuck right off your bullshit rights card. It isn't just to detect "a pocket knife", it's shit more dangerous than that. Would you really rather get killed than to have some person skim a poor quality version of your balls for a second? It's not like they are going to gang rape you and fuck your tight asshole.

What is this? A pentagon for ants?

I thought you were another spambot until I skimmed your post and saw "bro". :D

If mom's continue to breastfeed their child after the normal age, then they should be more than just banned. They should be shot. It borders incest/paedophilia.


Sorry to disappoint you, but it's obviously just one of those door knobs that has the slit where anything flat can be used to unlock it. We had these when I was a kid as well. Hell even your finger can unlock it.

That wasn't anything of any genre of music. That was just noise.

Don't worry. The child will commit suicide by the age of 9 anyways.

Riddles? Wtf are you on about?

Ah okay thanks for the explanation. I mainly use my PC so that's probably why.

I've been using Netflix for a year now and I still don't know what this instant queue is people keep talking about.

In my times growing up I learned that gravity exists. Though, I do not understand it fully. Wouldn't Earth's gravitational pull make that rock come flying at us?

wrong reply button. GOD DAMMIT NEW CHAT DESIGN.

Video was too fast. Needs to be slowed down by about 38% to read.

Oh if only you knew how bad all of your articles really are... If only...

Unless it forgot it's beak back at the nest.

Big words scare me. :'(

No, just that it's the stupid one out of just the Asian countries. Just like how United States is the stupid one out of just the Caucasian countries.