
Fuck Musk, the sooner that POS fades into history, the better.

People who don’t use the overhead storage over or near their seat for their bags. I’ve watched people sitting in the back of the plane put their bags in the bins in the front of the plane. You’re just making it difficult for everyone. 

THANK YOU!!! Don’t crowd the aisle or make a bum rush for the door when the plane stops, but I’m gonna fucking stand up. A lot of the time I don’t even go to the bathroom if it isn’t an emergency because I don’t want to be a bother asking people to get up, so I am for sure standing when we stop because I haven’t for 5

My problem is always that salespeople know less than me about the car. Why should they get a cut of something I have already researched just to stand there while I fill out paperwork that the finance guy creates.

I would like to see the numbers of those who go to Florida to visit Disney World but put in a side trip to Sea World, Legoland, Universal, etc. vs those who go to Florida to visit Sea World, Legoland, Universal, etc. with a side trip to Disney World. I think you know the answer to that. All of those other parks exist

There isn’t a long term plan. It seems the entire state Republican machine is dedicated to fucking over anyone and everyone to propel Ol’ Pudding Fingers into his futile campaign to be a bigger dick than Donnie the Con, no matter the cost.

I’m having trouble with reading comprehension today.

wOKe gARbAGe ArtIClE!!!!!!!!!!

I don’t know if Vin Diesel will want to continue on. This movie already doubled his workload. If he appears again, he might have to say more than ten words.

Disney should make a large donation to Democrats’ campaign funds.

Years ago, Falcon 9 was “supposed” to perform vertical landings during tests, but it crashed and crashed and crashed. Now it’s the world’s most reliable medium-lift rocket.

lol what the fuck are you talking about, you could say the same about literally every business decision any company makes. this comment reads like it was written by ChatGPT, the decade-old meme is the cherry on top

My first thought, well done.

Sure must suck, Joe, when some awkward cuss gets in the way of something that got promised to be done. Rest of us left leaning voters can’t imagine what that must be like, Joe. Can’t understand it all, Joe. You dumb fucker, Joe. 

Y’all are missing the joke - the entire article refuses to refer to him as the ex president and instead focuses on the “tech” aspect so people can’t do the normal “what does this have to do with technology” response - I think it’s pretty clever

a legitimate cryptocurrency

Perhaps you’d try Googling the damn exhibit before coming up in here defending some loud, wrong, obnoxious white woman laughing all loud in a space meant to be quiet.

Bullshit, these last three years proved you 100% wrong.

This is still a stupid idea. Typical Musk to double-down on it.

Where’s the moral outrage about an obviously mentally ill person being unjustly kill by (multiple) police officers?