
WTF.  I was expecting a slideshow. Hope you don’t get in trouble over this. 

Yeah, holy crap. Is this the level of automotive expertise and insight we should come to expect here? To me, this issue is so fucking...basic? What next, a story on wipers that move at different speeds? YOU’RE USING YOUR WIPERS WRONG PEOPLE!

Seriously? You didn’t know that many cars have this lane change tap function? Shame! As for the self-cancelling signals on a motorcycle, my 1986 Honda VFR had that yet none of my newer bikes (2001,2007, 2012 Hondas, Ducatis and BMWs) did.

That’s the only kind of nicey-nice Christian.

Fuck you leave.

This is only divisive if you’re a misogynist piece of shit

Erin is very welcome here.

You won’t be missed.

first of all.... car site or not. human rights are at stake here. they’ve already started stripping women of their rights, and are questioning everyone’s right to freely travel from state to state.

Click bait” is a sensationalized or exaggerated headline meant to increase the chances of someone reading an online article. Sadly, there was nothing sensational about this headline, which talks about interstate travel on a transportation blog site. All you did was expose what side of the issue you’re on. Now off you

I think driving is a pretty big part of being into cars.

Fuck you, leave.

fuck you, leave

“...another iconic 80s ballad...

You would think that any decent journalist would have included that information in the article!

As an EV owner, this is great.

Nope. Get out of here with thatboth are equally bad” bullshit.

Just because it’s a flawed document doesn’t mean there aren’t things worth saving from it.
But I realize you’re just an idiotic pot-stirrer, so...

I’d prefer if bag sizes and quantities, as well as only allowing one bag go into overhead (the other is supposed to go by your feet), being enforced. But yeah, charging for checked bags while allowing carry-ons for free obviously incentivizes people to try to get away with as much as possible when it comes to