
 Thoughts and prayers. 

100% Overcast. Apple Carplay support is perfect (Pocket Casts has a lot of complaints there), the “Smart Speed” dynamic time and “Voice Boost” level compression settings are very flexible for all sorts of casts. I don’t need an app to tell me what to listen to - but it’s not like that feature doesn’t function at all

Yes, you, a single person who went to this place occasionally put this place on the map, all by yourself, because your level of influence is just that monumental. Also you’re right, they’re rejecting your child specifically - it is a slap in the face to you! Also, you and your child are the most important people in

The “cartoon strawmanner” presents counter-arguments to something you never actually claimed; they’re fought by pointing out that no one claimed it.”

That’s not a correction. “Some” is the obvious and expected qualifier to that statement. Some Christians all over the country. Some men are trash. Some white people are racist.

The person is discussing a white iphone, he doesn’t mention a white person at all. Why are you bringing race into this? It seems like you’re the real racist for bringing up race.

161% is such a BIG number though - way scarier than, you know, 13. In a city of nearly 871 thousand people, that’s nearly a 0.00015% injury rate. Scary shit!

I have never seen an article take so long to say something so simple. Goodness.

But then we wouldn’t know he’s a super important doctor!!! With all the critical thinking skills of a toddler. 

Also, people need to stop pretending salt helps water boil

IHMO, a NAS is an expensive and risky way to add storage. Just read some reviews of some of these NAS devices. I can understand the attraction, especially if you’re a laptop only family, but for the cost I’ve never thought it was worth it.

You do understand that this is based on a superhero comic?

I dunno, 2:1:1 doesn’t need any sweeteners for me. Cointreau is already pretty sweet... I shake the shit out of it and pour without straining into a regular tumbler

I’m usually all for kicking out someone who is being shitty and such, but am I understanding correctly that this was years ago and he has properly apologized multiple times and hasn’t done any of that since apologizing? What’s the point of kicking him off the movie then? What is supposed to be achieved by that?

My father never caved. I remember when we were on vacation in Florida. When it was time to go to the airport he said, “Car’s leaving in 10 minutes. You’d better be in it or we’re going home without you.” I just made it. My younger brother didn’t. So my Dad started to drive off. That was 1984. Haven’t seen my brother

Texas Roadhouse? That reminds me of a story...

Pretty misleading headline. Something more accurate would be “I used beta software for my main productivity devices and then was surprised when I ran into bugs.”

No, it’s not. It’s a continent of 23 countries, inc all of Central America and the Caribbean.

“But you also have to realize that the USA is a whole continent!”

Bravo! You’ve really done an excellent job of parroting the stupidity of the average Trump/GOP voter all day across the board. However, you really should end your posts with a “:/” symbol just to let everyone know you arent really that idiotic.