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    Clearly says unmanned, though it takes a few paragraphs to say it so I was wondering the same thing until they said it.

    Since I didn’t see it mentioned, the local news articles called out that it returned with dozens of sonic booms.

    I think it was pretty clear that he wasn’t reporting on his own impersonation and that he was highlighting a bigger problem that Musk has been ignoring while trying to capitalize on it.  Since he’s not been adequately doing anything to fix it, it needed calling out.

    Can’t tell if this is sarcasm or not.

    Crazy, ignorant, and believes conspiracy theories.  If only we had other examples.

    That would be hilarious and I’m here for it!

    Had the same reaction. I’m moving into a new house next month. Should I wait until next fall and beat my clothes on rocks in the meantime? Just stupid. And, by the way, looking at a high-rated pair that are on sale right now.

    I’d make it “Dammit, Chloe”, in a heartbeat.

    They already did this.  You can’t buy new annual passes, only renew if you already have one.  And you have to get a park pass to get in and there are many days you can’t.  They aren’t ever going to cap them at the lower levels you want, though.  If they didn’t have so many broken down rides and had better queue

    No shit. I’d like to report a crime! Officer: Let me google that... nope, no crime there.  Thanks anyway.

    No, it means someone’s grandmother burst.

    And there is our problem with every reporter right there.  You gave this fucking imbecile a pass because he didn’t drool on stage or punch someone out.  Everyone should be shouting from the rooftops that he’s not qualified to be a crossing guard much less a congressman.  And, that people will vote for him, simply

    Newsflash: Many companies have IT department that install software on your computer which can tell them all kinds of things like productivity, attempts to access web sites you shouldn’t, etc.

    C’mon, you can’t picture him walking around in his house singing Sexy Motherfucker? Two comments to this: 1) I know plenty of white people who are Prince fans (CT fits this category imho); 2) I know plenty of people who like the hits off of Purple Rain and call themselves fans when they don’t know shit about his other

    Yeah, and they know a thing or two about what they’re doing too, but I’ve been impatiently waiting for Honda to get serious about the EV market.  Probably not the last time I’ll say this but maybe, finally, my next car will be an EV.

    They also seem a bit unnecessary given that the rear passengers will likely have screens of their own that they already use.

    Cops - in addition to guns, they have radios, so time isn’t on your side. Get away quickly or you will be surrounded.

    That’s awesome.  Now look at Western New York, especially if you want to go from top to bottom.

    I recently did a couple moves in a 16' Penske box truck, one move towing a trailer with our SUV on it. I think that would be a good start just to give a perspective on maneuverability, braking distance, and visibility/blindspots. Driving that sucker through some winding roads in West Virginia and traffic through

    In other news, drunk driver kills pedestrian and walking now banned.