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    Thanks for reminding me I’ll be driving a Penske 16' 1200 miles in about 1.5 months.  I hope those ride ok.

    I can’t even imagine the stupid questions some of congress will be asking.

    As George Carling said, think of how stupid the average person is and then realize that half of the people are stupider than that!

    Personally I mow but do not use any insecticides or fertilizers so there is a lot of clover and dandelions that the bees and rabbits seem to love.  Deer occasionally come through, too.

    Making it about you:

    Fucking moderates are why the right doesn’t have to work too hard.  The left just divides and conquers itself.

    Reminds me of the SNL sketch when Shatner is at a convention and each kids gets up and asks him detailed questions about episodes and he finally shoots back, “Get a life... It’s just a TV show... Did you ever kiss a girl?”

    And meanwhile, rich Republicans will continue to have access to and get abortions since they have the means.

    These things are always so general as to be rendered meaningless. I live in the suburbs of one of the above cities and every house that sells in my specific town goes for more than asking (often much more).  The market slowed a little in terms of listings during the colder months but sales prices were still very

    A somewhat related story. My buddy, who’s a state trooper, once saw a truck go flying by with emergency lights on (volunteer fire dept.). He radioed into the station to find out what the emergency was since he wasn’t aware of a call. When he found out there was nothing, he pulled the truck over, only to find the

    Ok, first of all, there’s more than one Rochester in the country so way to make me work for it. Fortunately (or unfortunately) I know the newspaper so I know it’s the one in my area and to look into more background.

    Sound is a wave.  In theory, if you produced the exact inverse of that wave, the two “sounds” cancel each other out and you hear nothing.  This works great for a constant droning sound like engine noise from a lawn mower outside since the wave is relatively simple and you could build the electronics to “hear” that

    Same. I don’t drink the stuff because I think it’s disgusting but we always have two gallons in the fridge.

    I love how they always say it’s a part of history as if they’ve been using that symbol since civil war times when the reality, as the article says, is that this was done during civil rights times and was absolutely all about race which they like to deny.

    Every time somebody says cancel culture, people need to just start replying, “you mean fuck around and find out culture... fixed that for you.”  People need to understand the difference between a random cancel and one that is literally the direct result of your actions.

    Assault is never the answer.

    The more you can avoid swimming with the masses, the nicer the trip. TSA Pre-check (we have Nexus which includes it), airport lounges with better spaced seats (and food, drinks, and better bathrooms). jetBlue Mosaic also gets us first boarding and our luggage is first off at baggage claim.  We can also use points for

    This isn’t me but I secretly was jealous of my seat mate on a Dulles to Heathrow flight when he slept from wheels up to wheels down, head against the bulk head.

    I can drive to NYC in 5.5 hours. I can fly it in 1 hr. Add in the time it takes at the departure airport and to get into Manhattan from one of the arrival airports and it’s not a lot of time savings (though parking is an added hassle). We have leaned toward air but drove it more than a couple times.

    Or leave it alone since it functions fine today and there’s no reason to change it other than baby-pants Ron needs to punish someone who disagrees with him.  It’s literal retaliation and nothing else.