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    If you look into your closet and own, and choose to wear, a confederate flag shirt to an event sponsored by a group that works closely with black and hispanic youth, you did a bit more than make a poor wardrobe choice. And if other dude is also a piece of shit, that doesn’t change a thing about his behavior.

    It’s almost like other people are also expressing their free speech.

    Thanks.  I think this gets missed when people compare buy vs. lease.  They both come with a list of pros and cons and I’d love to see a more complete side-by-side analysis sometime of what a care costs by year of ownership/lease.

    Oh, they understand.  If you haven’t noticed the themes from this “tough” group of people, they don’t want to deal with anything that makes them the slightest bit uncomfortable but fuck everyone else’s suffering.

    Maybe you’ll learn something new again.  Flamingos are pink because of their shrimp-heavy diet.  If they didn’t eat shrimp, they’d be white.

    He has a few different looks and they’re all creepy AF.

    Disagree.  They know and either don’t care or want you to know they’re defiant.

    Contrarily I am an iPhone owner, and have been for several years, and I also have no idea what this article is talking about.  Whatever problem this fixes is completely unknown to me and this article didn’t do anything to explain that.

    This is how my Honda leases have always been handled, and a big part of why I stick with Honda. The lease and the return have always been painless (with a little of the attempted upsell BS at the beginning of course like enhanced warranty and rust coating).

    Anytime people would ask me about my home improvement guy, I’d say he’s great, he charges a fair price, cleans up during and after the job but, most importantly, shows up when he says he’s going to. If you don’t know how important that is, you haven’t been working with home service people.

    New Proposed Headline: “White says it’s ok for Brown County to opt out of Black History lessons”.

    agreed.  I read it that way, too.

    And let’s be clear what they’re saying here.  They aren’t hoping to lower pay to lower costs.  They’re just hoping to pocket more for themselves.

    If you fuck around on a plane, it’s perfectly reasonable that you no longer get to fuck around on a plane. I would expect a bus or train to employ the same standard.

    A more interesting study would be best two words to start with.  Rarely does one get me there.  Lately I’ve been using audio and stern to get the vowels and 4 of the most popular consonants.

    Disagree.  If you’re tired of following the rules to get through this, do us all a favor and stay home but to just turn off the rules is not the right move.

    Represent their values, not sure. Not violate their values, absolutely.  That Spotify is speaking to one set of values and behaving to another has been the issue so far.

    All well and good but the whole chip shortage issue is more complicated.  One of the big issues is the auto industry’s refusal to move to new silicon which means only a few producers even make the chips they want anymore.  A new facility would not be likely to make these older style chips and would totally not address

    It says she asked the her mother not to take them there, but it doesn’t really say what her response was.  If she said ok, I won’t take them and then took them anyway, then she is way out of line.  If she said something else, then it’s he choice whether to leave the kids with her or not.

    The article literally says that.