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    I have a bigger problem with oh you said something I don’t like and don’t agree with, backed up by lots of research etc. Let me find one whack job that disagrees and now we’re even.

    This is so fucked up.  In my area, an officer has to report each taser deployment just like the do each gunshot, the lesson being you better not deploy that shit unless you have a really good, justifiable reason because you’ll be writing up reports on it.  Things are far from perfect here, but the message needs to be

    Must have been Antifa.  /s

    We’ve reviewed this issue and since it applies to our officers, we’ve determined no laws or ethics policies were violated.  See all past examples as precedent.

    Nobody’s forsaking shit but highly trained officer did not do what he should have. He escalated, plain and simple, when it was completely in his power to de-escalate.

    Are they raging assholes because of steroids though, or do they use steroids because they’re raging assholes? I’m not sure that enough investigation has gone into this.


    No kidding, try that shit in court.  Your honor I investigated myself and decided there was no crime committed.  Move to dismiss.

    You’re ignoring the part where he felt like he was going to be murdered on the side of the road. If you think that’s an irrational fear, you haven’t been watching the news.  So, given that, is sit there and take it still the best move?  Cops kill all the time when they’re in “fear for their life” but when it’s a black

    My parents drove a Chevette and a Cavalier then, so tell me about it.  Had just gotten rid of the Nova.

    Yeah, but their MO is to repeat shit often enough that their base accepts it as well-established fact.

    Mmmm, you mean white people score better on a test created by white people?  Who would’ve guessed?

    Yeah, like You know that trampolines used to be called jumpolines until your mom got on one?

    Related: I don’t drink anymore. I also don’t drink any less.

    Slideshow.  Pass.

    Counterpoint, no it isn’t.

    Thanks.  I wasn’t going to walk through another slideshow.

    Because you’re disrupting their FREEDUMB!

    No, there are two situations at play here.  You’re just focusing on the method of calculation.  Once the white tears flowed, how they responded also matters.  Are you certain if the shoe was on the other foot, the same result would have happened or that the white families received special treatment after causing a