
Because I get tired of the blind assumption that any time a biker gets assaulted, it MUST be because they did something horrible to deserve it. Anytime an incident like this happens, there’s always people who side with the assailant entirely just becuase their victims were on a motorcycle. Sometimes people are just

Now, I started watching this video with the hope that the miserable old bastard would eventually say something like “I’m really sorry, I shouldn’t have done that,” but of course he doesn’t. Most likely, he’ll fight the charges to the death at his court dates instead of just admitting he fucked up, despite all the

People like you always ask that, but chances are there wasn’t anything legitimate to even upset the guy - it was all in his head.

This is the best mindset to have. My commute isn’t terribly long, but I have started to do the same thing this year. I do my best to ignore all the morons weaving around and driving aggressively for no reason, let them continue to be idiots and not let it affect me at all.

The CR-V driver is breaking two laws at that point, “speeding” at a whole two-over on an interstate highway, and hogging the left lane with nobody to pass.

Because most people are superficial morons.

I don’t believe he actually does the cocaine, he’s just been in and out of jail his whole life for dealing it. He’s way too overweight to be a regular cokehead.

I know a guy who talks about stuff like this. He’s also an obsessive CopBlock preacher because he’s angry at the government and the police because he’s been busted multiple times for dealing cocaine. Basically he’s just a fat piece of shit, but he’ll talk you up all day about conspiracy theories.

“Walter Röhr [sic]” is an extremely accomplished and remarkable driver and he crashed a very remarkable car. This article is better placed on this site than many other articles posted here.

Back in the pile!

You’re correct, up until now the latest Chevy / GMC W4500 trucks were 2010 models. I found a few listed as 2011-2014 but they’re all actually branded as Isuzu NPRs.

GM’s been doing that with the Fuso / Isuzu NPR platform since the 1990s. I love cabovers but this is nothing new!

The Roadster is sweet. They set it up to have front-engine rear-drive physics and you can actually drift the shit out of it! I was so pissed when Funspot (world’s largest arcade) took both Hard Drivin’ and Race Drivin’ off the floor. I genuinely grew up with those two games, seems like they got sick of fixing all of

Up until your comment, I had yet to see such a genuinely perfect description of what the comment sections of Jalopnik have become in the past few years.

CR-Vs and RAV4s are the car of choice for the sociopathic, inept driver.

The video is factually inaccurate - the CR-V driver does not aggressively pass the truck only to slow down to an even lower speed than the truck was travelling in the first place.

This is the most excellent thing I’ve read on Jalopnik in a long time.

How fitting, I just got home from a ride where I unexpectedly ran into a “regular” Ninja H2 at a motorcycle shop. Like the H2R but road legal and “only” 239hp!

I quite enjoy driving it in RBR. It feels more nimble than any of the other cars in the base RBR game - this of course has no bearing on how it performed in real-life competition!

My favorite is still the Hyundai Accent WRC, also my favorite car to drive in Richard Burns Rally - rather, my favorite of the original non-RSRBR Mod cars anyway!