J. Olly

In the past, things did get bad enough that they were willing to elect a black man as president. Then they hit the pipe harder. I’m hoping that when they realize how much worse things have gotten, they’ll actually try to really get sober again, putting even more minorities in positions of power.

I’m glad this will stay in the greys.

Sandy Hook Elementary in Connecticut. White man kills white children, people are outraged, token gestures are made, and everyone goes back to the status quo.

Party purity vs the lesser of two evils. All that’s left is a Trump.

That Street Fighter V or Melee (if the controllers still work) could become an Olympic event in 2024 makes me hope this gets turned down.

Every Chris Brown article should have a disclaimer that none of his behavior should be normalized or condoned or treated as anything near acceptable.

I want to say “Privilege easily affords ignorance” but it’s more like “white people are allowed and encouraged to not care unless it affects them personally or involves the fear of minorities specifically.”

“Whites, it must frankly be said, are not putting in a similar mass effort to reeducate themselves out of their racial ignorance. It is an aspect of their sense of superiority that the white people of America believe they have so little to learn. The reality of substantial investment to assist Negroes into the

First, I must confess that over the past few years I have been gravely disappointed with the white moderate. I have almost reached the regrettable conclusion that the Negro’s great stumbling block in his stride toward freedom is not the White Citizen’s Counciler or the Ku Klux Klanner, but the white moderate, who is

Another round of white people and lost black people supporting White supremacy through anti-black sentiment and/or anti-black apathy. Maybe some day they’ll get tired of not giving a damn about black people unless it’s to boost their ego through our debasement and denial of us wanting better and to feel human and

“Ostentatious” was the first word I thought of when I saw the building. Then I saw the pathway, and it just seems like the design needed to be simplified a lot more to be effective. A clearer, smaller path, less glasswork, and a lot more harmony with the environment. A simple stone path with the trees serving as

I think this sentiment goes towards the Republican Party as a whole as it does towards Donald Trump. Every bit of controversy and every loss under the GOP has been putting a bad taste in the mouths of their constituents. And with the infighting between the milita groups and the white supremacists, the growing

Having a personal preference is one thing. Telling others your personal preference on a semi-public forum (because Instagram has the final word) is an invitation to comments and criticism. But telling others on a public forum your personal preference of black women, who’s looks have been socially derided and/or

The worst part about this is Cosby’s high profile and ability to reach a wide audience will encourage far more victims of rape/sexual assault to choose not to report their crimes, along with encourage and embolden sexual predators under the guise of “it’s not a crime because I’m helping her do what she really wanted

Because it’s easier to want and cater to the idea of “plug and play” allies that can fit themselves into the right hole without any effort? Easier to write to and for, easier to chastise to and against, easier to tell them where to go and what to do because self-motivation is never the answer until it’s the answer.

With transgenderism, it’s a matter of genes not going a certain way and the internal conflict it causes when the body does not agree with the mind. With transracial, it’s believing that perceived social constructs and expectations override genetic ancestry and parentage.

45 is a petty, vindictive man. I just hope he’s too wrapped up in his failings as a human being and his crimes/treasonous acts to try to shame and discredit them.

Assuming that he’s telling the truth, he made no indication that he was trying to pursue a romantic relationship with his friend through backdoor shenanigans or to make himself feel better by placing his feelings above hers. Once again, assuming he’s telling the truth, his actions show transparency in an attempt to

You’re asking him to be emotionally dishonest to his friend solely for the sake of her feelings and with no regards to his. Emotional suppression for the sake of others does not help with one’s feelings, and can heighten and exacerbate them to the point where whatever friendship they had turned toxic because he never

There’s a huge red flag in the first letter concerning the couple. As far as I know, you can’t quantify love. It’s either there or it isn’t, and if someone doesn’t believe you love them or believes that you don’t love them enough, you’re not going to be able to prove it in a way that satisfies the other person in