J. Olly

Is there a point where blackface ends and body dysmorphia begins? Because I think she and Khloe have been trying to transform themselves for years in earnest. But this probably is another round of attention seeking, using and subsequently dehumanizing black bodies to make money and get famous. Maybe not

Keep on posting, Donald. The Republicans may never impeach you, but the more you incriminate yourself in such a high-profile way, the weaker the conservative base becomes as all but the most fervent lose faith in both you and their GOP Senators, Governors, and Representatives.

A high profile Jewish man flies out to teach about the Holocaust to the people who were joking/ignorant about it, and that’s a white savior moment? The guy who got bullied for being Jewish wouldn’t possibly have a desire to fight against antisemitism, especially when it concerns a nationally broadcast news story

How dare you suggest that employing the Police to actually serve and protect the public at large instead of serving as the strong arming goons of an institution that seeks to disenfranchise minorities and the poor through violent, oppressive tactics. Can’t you cherish the “heritage” that the police encourage so

I think what bothers me the most about “Black Panther and The Crew” being cancelled is that Marvel tried to rely on Coates’ fame and the novelty he had when his run with “Black Panther” started to carry another book into decent sales. I don’t think they advertised “Black Panther and The Crew” well enough to get it

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That “Strong Christian History” thing you’re talking about is a pretty recent invention in this country.

It sounds less like they’re friends and more like she’s turned him into a fetish for the desires she can’t or won’t act on. Which is kinda creepy, honestly. Then again, I don’t believe that the “Friend-Zone” exists, either, so I think that I’d get frustrated with this story and see a lot of toxicity from everyone

I think that he’s trying, but all I see when I read Ben Carson’s comments are...

Usually, the powers in charge pull crap like this at the beginning, when they’ve gotten into power, and don’t let up until the uprising. All of them have been running things for too long to be new or to be this incompetent. It’s either the powers that have been in charge for decades finally dropping the bullshit and

Except the Republican Party has trained both their constituents and much of white Americans to see these displays as liberals/blacks/women being overly emotional and attention seeking. It’s not that she’s wrong, or that people shouldn’t be disgusted by this. It’s that responding in a way where Republicans can point

Pretty sure nobody is going to un-grey my comments, so here goes. None of this is new. The “other-ing” of those perceived as opponents in order to serve one’s needs. Did her blackness and womanhood make it easier for the Representative to dismiss her speech? Yes and no. “Yes” because of the long standing and near

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This shit has been going on since President Obama.

Mainstream Hip-Hop and the corporations that back them have been feeding this kind of image to White people (and Black people by proxy) for a long time, touting it as a major aspect, if not core identifying feature, of Black culture and Black identity. I can’t get angry with them when things like this have been

So the Feds are going to conduct drug raids on cities with strong minority populations, with a clear focus on black and brown communities?

I don’t think that she really moved on. It sounds like the door was closed because of weight gain instead of a sincere repentance for what she did. Even when she did address her affair, it’s so riddled with toxic reasoning that her not addressing it further leads me to believe she’s just repressing. And I think

Did people forget his interest in instituting Stop and Frisk policies across the country during his campaign, despite the tactic being unconstitutional and ineffective and contributing to a greater divide between cops and the black and brown men and a few poor white men? I wouldn’t be surprised if he tried to issue

I hope I can answer this.

You’re saying that how they chose to protest is wrong and that they should protest the way you want them to. That their profession makes their method of protest and their ideas of protest less than others because they “play a game” and are multi-millionaires. At this point, you might as well say that their grievances

From what he described in the letter, it seems that an emotional support structure has been formed between Mixed Doubles and the woman mentioned. Not necessarily friendship due to how limited it all sounds, but enough that she feels comfortable with him and enough that she doesn’t want that specific situation to end.