You’re not stating any truth, you’re expressing an opinion. In a rude way.
You’re not stating any truth, you’re expressing an opinion. In a rude way.
Wow, I don’t think you care. I thought you didn’t realize that I had already acknowledged that you had a good point. The reason I thought that was because you kept posting increasingly mean comments even after I’d approved your previous ones. But hey, cool, I just won’t respond anymore.
Thank God for lawsuits like this, though. A little person out-greedying a big corporation is the only way a corporation will adopt ethical policies. Corporations, despite what the US Supreme Court would have us believe, are not people. They’re more like Terminators. They don’t feel pity or remorse and they absolutely…
Police declined to name which fraternities the assaults were reported at
Thank you! And now I’m going to read it that way, too. Makes it way less sad.
To be fair, I’m pretty sure the victim gave her consent to her name being published.
Yeah, it sounded like he was raping women every 3 weeks on average if I read the articles right. At least one in high school, then one the year before Honold I think, then one in August about two months before, one two weeks before, and I think even one that was one week before.
You get that I’m the one taking you out of the greys, right? I think your counterpoint is valid.
My dear Anna, you disgrace the term “nerd.”
That’s Pepper_Ann responding to YOUR comment. At 8:04 pm you wrote:
Heh heh ... and then there’s the counterpoint.
Oh my God just watched the video. He scooped her up without asking, held her with his hand on her thigh and his arm supporting her butt, kept telling her how beautiful she was, and then tried to kiss her on the LIPS. Twice! She tried squirming away both times — the kisses landed on her cheek and the second time she…
This is the most fantastic article ever. Thank you!
You can make a joke about it — your line “I’m trying to establish hug boundaries” is an excellent start. And you can try self-deprecating humor like, “Sometimes I feel like an alien because hugs make me so anxious. Your earth human customs are foreign to me. Can we just bow to the buddha inside each other instead?”
I don’t have social anxiety so my suggestion might not work for you, but I think I’d say with a smile/laugh, “Oh, you’re mistaking me for a hugger!” followed by “I’m really happy to see you but I am definitely not a hugger.” You can put your hands up in a display of helplessness to create some space/distraction…
Okay, copy and paste the exact comment you were responding to when you wrote this:
Imma let you finish, but...
Well, true. But I kinda feel like there’s not enough time in the publishing cycle for an editor. Idk.
You keep saying that your original comment was a reply to Pepper_Ann.
Just stepping in to make sure you know that crankylittlephoton was the one who said “my dude”, not SarsAttacks. And crankylittlephoton was referring to Daniel Drill-Mellum, not someone in his/her life.