
That’s a good point. I don’t get the motivation for the sale of GM or the AGI unwinding. I don’t subscribe to the theory that all govt should be run like a business, but in these cases, the gov’t seemed to be motivated by things other than ROI.

Because RPM has little to do with fuel usage compared to other factors. It factors into the BSFC chart, but load is far far more important. I can rev my engine to redline in neutral and use much less fuel than full throttle, lugging my engine at idle.

15 city?

You already hit the nail on the head Raph.

Reverse: Mitsubishi America is too far behind the curve everywhere right now to turn things around. The only reason the Mirage sells is because you can get approved for financing on it even if your FICO score looks like a good day at the golf course. I wouldn’t be surprised to see it phased out.

Standing atop the Texas barbecue hierarchy is a food so sacred, Texans eat it at birthday parties, quinceañeras, religious holidays, exorcisms and probably even funerals.

If you don’t eat brisket at least three times per week, you have a hollow existence or are on a diet.


From TTAC. Ouch.

USURPER is, quite possibly, the most perfect license plate you could have on the Z in this story. But you probably already know that.

You own that car in Virginia? You must be nuts.

Why I Fuck Up My Cars

“The tint is illegal,” he told me, “but I’ve never gotten pulled over for it.”

You magnificent bastard . . .

Sorry Alissa, but Justin picked the lede photo.

“Walkers” It is both true and a nice homage to Alissa.

VWs have a similar “feature”

As an automotive engineer I see stupid/wrong comments all the time, I just ignore them unless they’re egregiously wrong or are otherwise harmful advice.

They are not necessarily stupid bit misinformed about a topic they don’t know.

Are those fake window accents really necessary? Couldn’t they have just pulled an FF and not done that?