I have been using this technology for the last six years in industrial and academic research settings. You and your 8 minute Medium article need to sit this this one out.
I have been using this technology for the last six years in industrial and academic research settings. You and your 8 minute Medium article need to sit this this one out.
It absolutely is and the sleight of hand isn’t even good. It’s a thin, threadbare abstraction from direct theft and pretending the technology is something other than is doesn’t change anything.
Learning is a very crude approximation, describing the process in terms other than high level statistics isn’t accurate to what’s happening. Also, it’s a product that is 100% dependent on having a massive supply of art used without compensation. That’s stealing.
I think the trailer is actually really bad. It cuts together all the bombastic scenes when the anime is much more restrained.
I saw a lot of people predicting for years that the trans sports panic would lead to the end of woman’s sports. That it might even be half the point for certain conservative circles.
What about Runebears!?
It’s hard to say if keeping Sam Raimi onboard means anything. Tony Gilroy took over Rogue One reshoots with Edwards allowed to keep his status as director. Supposedly that was almost half reshot.
I understand the hyper-evangelists, every rube they rope in increases demand and the value of their holdings. I don’t understand the evangical-realists. “Oh it’s a shame there’s so many scams taking attention from interesting uses like making medical records NFTs.” Good God, why? Every non-scam application is either a…
I’m curious where Eternals ends up. Judging from my twitter, it seems to have broken some people with dunks getting more frequent, more aimless and almost delirious. I had to mute “Eternals” and “Kingo.” Whether that’s just long term haters or fair weather fans I couldn’t say.
A fun thing to do his google that photo of Josh Hawley where he “kisses” his “wife.”
No. The appeal is that these things are, ostensibly, worth money. That the value will increase over time making it an investment, and because it is linked to cryptocurrency it will make all cryptocurrency worth more as a byproduct.
Some people I follow online say that nursing is one of the acceptable jobs for a certain type of far right wing Christian woman. That you end up with a shockingly high number of fundamentalists compared to other medical professions.
I was really looking forward to this and it just doesn’t have the energy or comedy to match the visual style.
Kinda wanna rewatch The Fly now
The ultrasound gets evaluated using the BIRADS classification system to estimate risk. Above BIRAD 3 may go biopsy which is pretty reliable for breast masses or you may monitor for size changes. We’ve had women in their 20's come through with high grade malignancies. I’d prefer more screenings, but health insurance is…
It really should have been 70 minutes with credits
I saw a great pitch the other day for a Final Destination reboot with the big opener being a gender reveal disaster.
Geatz has been “posting through it” which has never worked once.
I can’t get over the apparent trend of the youths of combining mom jeans with the baggy pants that were sort cool when I was in high school to make something as absurd as strapping a fanny pack to your chest.