I haven’t seen evidence because evidence hasn’t been provided, and assertions to the contrary isn’t evidence.
I haven’t seen evidence because evidence hasn’t been provided, and assertions to the contrary isn’t evidence.
The mockery is and continues to be deserved. Thinking that there is *ANY* messaging that won’t get attacked is incredibly stupid. They attacked Obama for being an Kenyan secret-Muslim secret-extremist-Christian. They’re lying about voter fraud, they’re lying about the dead They fucking lie and it doesn’t fucking…
How can you watch republicans call a boring centrist a commie socialist? or say that the health care is going to kill your grandparents and think for a single, solitary second that there is anything we could do or say that would be immune to attack?
I’m suddenly reminded of the guidelines that recommended glory holes. https://www.huffingtonpost.ca/entry/glory-holes-coronavirus-sex-covid-19_ca_5f18bed5c5b6f2f6c9f10049
I have a vivid memory of very carefully adjusting the slider on the barely visible logo for Dishonored 2 then repeatedly dying minutes into the tutorial level. Again and again I would die sneaking into this little room, what was happening? I turned up the brightness level and the little room was actually several times…
Just wait until you find out what police reform accomplished
In the hypothetical alternate universe where “Reform the police” isn’t some mealy mouthed nothing slogan previously used to give cops money for tanks, sure let’s go with that. But there isn’t another slogan getting millions of people on the streets and it’s impossible to fathom the people helpfully suggesting we try ch…
It doesn’t require any explanation you fucking clown. It means what it means. And no one should spend a second of their day worrying what conservatives will think, because they already labeled Joe a communist. Their culture war is in permanent over drive.
What we really need is a slogan that doesn’t mean anything, doesn’t scare anyone and doesn’t motivate anyone.
I think it’s kinda just find. I don’t really have feelings about the EU nods one way or another. My issues are I just think the story telling is threadbare, the characters are thinly written and the action is only okay. I keep skimming summary hoping it’s changed gears, but I don’t think it will.
No. Intent is some magical concept that makes media immune from criticism. People get to imagine something better.
I can’t imagine investors giving him or resources, because it’ll end up in his pockets. I think I could see Alex Jones or someone else hiring Trump as an employee, maybe with some marketing to imply Trump is the boss.
I have a serious question, what can be done about Fox news and OAN? I don’t think any progress will be possible if a significant fraction of the country lives completely divorced from reality.
My hospital had to cut or eliminate most procedures and we’re losing money. I’m just in ultrasound research, but there’s a question of how much money will be allocated to us in the future and if the hospital will have to charge us more for services.
I’ve been following a journalist who’s been summarizing some of the court cases and he’s been instrumental in managing my anxiety. The journalist is Adam Klasfeld, but the framing is helpful. It does appear that the legal teams are putting in the bare minimum.
I mean, to be fair, their slogan was “fuck your feelings” not “fuck feelings.” They’re allowed to have meltdowns.
The Behind the Bastards episode is really good at covering Keith’s other claims which were always incredibly vague. “He holds numerous patents, started multiple businesses. etc!”
I did a deep dive after getting frustrated with The Vow and everything is really light on the early years. From what I can piece together Keith had experience running his Consumer Buyline MLM, the structure of which kinda made the skeleton of Executive Success Program.
I think The Vow is nearly criminal in how it failed to show how NXIVM worked. I think not having cult experts or an outside opinion really hurt The Vow. Given Keith’s “rape a baby” monologue, pointing out to Mark women in a wedding album not wearing underwear and Keith’s “fish hole - official” joke I’m certain Mark…