
I wish there were any non-Nazis going into the Incel boards to do de-radicalization. It would be miserable work, there’s a reason I don’t, but laughing at them until they get blackpilled doesn’t help anyone.

There is also a recent short story collection, Lovecraft’s Monsters, written by modern authors. “Red Goat Black Goat” by Nadia Bulkin is probably my favorite of the bunch.

That was one of my big issues as well. I think you could have swapped out any character for an identical one from another zombie film.

Blofeld ass MFer

I’ve had this fear since February that we will never get covid under control. Even if we get a vaccine I’m afraid enough people will avoid getting that covid will continue to spread. We’ll all just be locked in this country of blithering idiots who refuse to acknowledge every other country without some right wing

There are some organizations work to de-monetize and de-platform people on that alt-right pipeline. There’s evidence that people aren’t really going out of their way to find these people and don’t follow them when they leave a platform.

What mentions? What are you talking about? No one else has even responded to you.

In other news the Trump Wallace interview didn’t go great.

The number of medical personnel at my hospital that I see on campus, but out of a mask is staggering.

I suspect he’ll pull from the Batman, Superman, or Libertarian party votes.

Matt Evans covered it, elsewhere but the game is almost certainty falling into the category of a medical device which carries certain legal implications. These regulations can sometimes have silly sounding side effects, but you really, really don’t want some ‘common sense’ regulation for medical devices.

Between the movies made by Apatow and people aping his style I got tired of the whole raunchy, stoner, men-behaving-badly genre.

Mine was anti Iraq war protest in Boise. I remember how many people participated all over the world, and even plenty of people in Idaho. It ended up being a disheartening experience and maybe put a damped Millennial enthusiasm for activism until 2008.

Christianity in this country isn’t used as model to live your life, it’s inverted. You assume, because you’re a Christian, that every action, every thought, every whim is justified. Christianity in this country is a sword and shield.

I have a theory that people just get obsessed with the first “grown up” show they watch as a youth. I think it explains sitcom’s weird demographic mismatch; older Millenials and Seinfeld of Fraiser, younger Millennials and Friends, and Zoomers with The Office.

The only thing I can think of

The signs are posted at every entrance and announced periodically via intercom

I was just thinking about Be Kind Rewind a few months ago. For me it’s an example of an alright film that borders on being great. The humor is so fun and imaginitive, but I think it chugs when it turns into a pretty ordinary 2000's indie film. If the balance had been pulled off it would give the movie some depth and

Disagree, let’s dress for the dystopia we want, not the dystopia we have.