
Maybe the show wrote around his limits, but always felt like he got a bad rap. Jon Snow’s journey was largely brooding in different places for different reasons.

I know with hip and knee implant the idea is that texturing helps the body fuse with the implant. My assumption is that the same principal holds, but I’m not familiar with these materials and tissues.

That’s my guess, it probably still counts as an amputation even if it’s connected by a thread.

I’ve wondered about his fear of tailors. My top theories is he won’t allow a man to touch him to take measurements, or he doesn’t want anyone to know his measurements.

I think I had already forgotten about Euron. As for Bran, I stopped having a connection to him as a person. I think the only wrong choice for the ending would be to reestablish a hereditary monarchy so any other choice; ruling council, dissolving the 7 kingdoms, democracy, etc. fits equally well.

I’ve been thinking about what a remake of the D&D version might look like and what could be cut and I think you could be really brutal. The more I think about about it, the more I agree with this Plotter vs Pantser thread. GRRM’s pantser storytelling feels more organic and, as a consequence, is as messy as real life.

I haven’t read the books, but I watched a youtube video on the lore and it sounds like half of Essos and all of Sothoros is a Lovecraftian nightmare. Anyways, the more I think about this subject the more that “pantser vs plotter “ tweet thread makes more sense.

I’ve been thinking about what a remake (not GoT: Brotherhood) might look like and so much of it didn’t matter. Cut the Sand Snakes, cut Dorne, cut R+L=J, cut the High Sparrow and Tommen, cut Bran and say the dead want Winterfell for the bodies. I bet you could get this thing down to 4 satisfying seasons.

I didn’t read the leaks so my bet was for the last episode was the Iron Bank coming in to repo Kings Landing.

So Jon can’t hand out with everyone else because the Unsullied hate him, but the Unsullied are leaving... He can’t just hide in some bushes for a weekend?

Eh, we watched all the Dothraki die in a charge on the Night King only for more to show up so I figure there’s a 50-50 chance Red Keep just has a couple holes in the roof on the last episode.

My friend has been recommending The Boss which I understand to be 50 Shades done right. Felicia Day had a roman book club youtube channel called Vaginal Fantasy, I don’t know if it’s still active but that seemed like a good place to look.

I guess number of kids in the system is only half the equation.
One kid would probably overwhelm the system if it’s badly funded enough.

Violence against political enemies, in this setting, is normal. It’s bad, don’t get that wrong, but normal. She has been established to be a run of the mill conquerer, which is a far cry from a genocidal maniac. This season haf Dany risked her life and army to save Westerns while Cersi said fuck it. I buy Cerse

Killing your political enemies is pretty standard feudalism so something to suggest killing an entire city would be nice. It feels very rushed, like all of season 7 and 8.

Lots of telling, not so much showing.

The latest episode of the Blank Check podcast has David and Griffin sitting down with two of the writers of Detective Pikachu. It’s a good episode, they’re surprisingly candid about the writing process.

Eh. They’ve been very hand wavy about relative army size and strength. They still had Dothraki after I watched literally every one of them get killed by zombies.