I would honestly love to have a basic death match mode in this game. My encounters often end too quickly to learn much and jumping into hot zones is, in my mind, a poor substitute for having respawns. Also skill based match making, don’t ever put me up against someone with 100x my kills.
Yeah, in my first few matches I was excited to have other tools to contribute. My last few matches keep putting us up against people with 5000+ kills and they’re just running over us seconds into our first encounter. I hear that skill based matchmaking isn’t in yet and maybe I’ll come back when they do.
I promise you, you have triggered anyone.
I think it’s Republican’s love of business and hatred of government gets mixed with our culture’s ‘prosperity gospel’ view that wealth is basically a sign of virtue.
I think in my last 10 losses we had a Widowmaker, Hanzo, and sometimes an Ana who did not change ever. At this point a online competitive shooter could have “No snipers” as a solid selling point.
I think games with larger team sizes mitigates the problem as there are multiple people in each roll.
Honestly, Cline doesn’t even seem to be aware of stuff from the 80's. Reading that book felt like reading a wiki entry on he 80's, the section on Rush comes just short of quoting the album copyright info.
So.... why is “alleged” in the title? I fell like the is just a editor reflex regardless of the evidence.
Here’s an interview of him with Larry King in the 90's. There’s another from the early 00's out there that I couldn’t find right away. In both cases he is far more articulate; he starts and finishes the same sentences!
How do they know it works!? It kills everyone they it on! They die instantly! They don’t get a five minute super mode before their heart goes out. They just die. There’s zero reason to believe it’s anything besides poison.
No and I very specifically remember a movie executive doing a postmortem concluded “Audiences just aren’t interested in original films.”
I think Push is maybe my favorite so-bad-it’s-good film from the last ten years. A child needs to get drunk to use her powers. The bad guys have a serum that enhances powers, but immediately kills literally everyone they’ve ever given it to...
I agree, I guess I’m more frustrated with some of the other commenters here. If the media had been more discerning two years ago who knows what things would be like.
Showboating is annoying, but hardly a crime. I butchered my statement in a series of rewrites, but he isn’t a politician, he isn’t a prominent member of a liberal organization. I don’t think many people took his aim for presidency as a good idea. I guess I’m just frustrated by some of the comments suggesting ‘liking’…
There just seems to be people in the left who delight in ‘cancelling' allies