
Politico did a piece on this but, in short, a tweet isn’t policy there really isn’t anything to implement and there was no warning or consultation. Basically he’s surprised everyone with nonsense and it will be months at the very least for anything meaningful to happen. There’s still the bureaucracy and the legal

It’s been pointed out before, but his company isn’t publicly traded, he hasn’t had to answer to share holders. The highest positions in the company are held by family or friends so he hasn’t even had to contend concerns within the company. His business has repeatedly been described as being run like a small family

Always liked this one.

“Though they were wearing body cameras, both officers had them turned off.”

It’s great that he gets to be the first cancer patient wheeled out of a hospital because of this bill, like a christening it or something.

There’s been news like this for a while, of various Trump allies stepping back. I was hoping that with every month that passes, these people are thinking about pledging loyalty to a senile old fool who’ll throw you under a bus in a heartbeat, that he might have difficulty finding replacements. That they won’t want to

Anyone else have those days when you can’t focus at work, because you’re sure Donnie is going to do something catastrophically stupid and you end up going from news site to news site?

So, is there a point to this hearing if he isn’t under oath? I could understand if he was, he’d say “I only spoke to the Russians you know about” and tomorrow we’d find out about another half dozen Russians and then we’d have him on perjury.

Ah yes, threatening to fire everyone, that’ll do it. His administration is disorganized and Trump will blame everyone except himself for failures, it doesn’t inspire loyalty it creates an environment where everyone is out for themselves.

Everyone says dementia, or decades of cheap uppers. Personally, my money is that he’s a Great Old One

As it’s been pointed out before even when he was a CEO; it wasn’t publicly traded, he didn’t have to answer to stock holders, and many of the highest positions were held by family members. His business practice has, over the course of years, been described as being run like a small family business. Trump barely has

I very happy for you.

A friend of mine who was studying engineering applied to a coffee shop another of my friends worked at. After the interview I spoke with my coffee shop friend who had spoken with the manager of the store. The manager said that they liked my engineering friend, but was afraid that they’d be too busy with school work.

Cool dude. I literally haven’t heard that one since I was in junior high.

Important question. Does this gif represent “massive unforced self inflected injury” such as releasing incriminating evidence out of the blue?

There was a good response over at Waypoint, https://waypoint.vice.com/en_us/article/wj8gmx/italian-meats-arent-ruining-american-education .

At his very best it looks like someone yelled “Hey Donald!” and took a picture as he turned around.

Every time I’ve seen some expensive car parked across four space, I’ve wanted nothing more than to park alongside them way, way too close. The only thing holding me back is the knowledge that I would probably end up getting beaten to death with a golf club. This seems to confirm my suspicions; I mean, who tries to

I’m going home for a week long vacation.

Wow! The difference in even a couple years is staggering.