“Either they sacrifice the Iron Bull’s mercenaries to save the Qunari ship, or they sacrifice the mercenaries to preserve the ship (and therefore the Qunari alliance).”
“Either they sacrifice the Iron Bull’s mercenaries to save the Qunari ship, or they sacrifice the mercenaries to preserve the ship (and therefore the Qunari alliance).”
I plan to play this game someday, but isn’t Elden Ring more relevant right now? Kotaku said the review was coming.
Great journalism.
“bespoke” = a big heaping bowl of mac and cheese: a familiar yet delicious stack of carbs slathered in fatty and salty goodness where every bite tastes just like the one before it?
Also seen in the X-files, and the film Contact.
Thank you for the article! Its very helpful and comprehensive. I often daydream about playing SC2 again. Its good to know I have a recent article bookmarked for future reference.
Good article!
I really like this cover, also.