
Instead of trying to steer a conversation down a path where ideas, and not insults are exchanged, you defend insults and repeat your own.

You’re saying that being nasty and calling people names is better than being civil and engaging in discourse.

You’re right. If someone speaks calmly and thoughtfully and with an open mind about a highly emotional issue, nobody does give a fuck. They just call that person a whiner (and lots of other childish names).

Many, many of the problems facing us in the U.S. could be solved or at least worked on if people spoke and listened to each other with a little respect and engaged in civil discourse. Thanks for doing your part!

Your posts echo something I’ve been saying for years that’s so obvious that I’m embarrassed to have to keep saying it.

You’re merely making a terrible situation worse by calling people names. If someone calls you a moron you’re going to defend yourself, not suddenly be interested in hearing what they think about something.

You’re right about the fact that saying “gun control” will be good for the gun business, except for the actual fact, which is that saying “gun control” has been bad for the gun business.

You’re right about the fact that saying “gun control” will be good for the gun business, except for the actual fact, which is that saying “gun control” has been bad for the gun business.