
Still a better qualifying system than that dumpster fire F1 was using earlier this year. Also, when was the last time Ricciardo got to start in pole position?

Toyota asks you if brie is ‘that cheese you put in the microwave’

Toyota thinks Tim Tebow deserves another shot.

Toyota bought a new house in a new suburb where all the streets have the same name because ‘you get more for your money’ then spends nearly two hours a day driving to and from work.

Toyota’s favorite position is missionary

Toyota thought the dish where you used fresh ground pepper and chopped onions was spicy.

Toyota’s favorite snack is unsalted unbuttered popcorn.

Toyota thinks Creed is “pretty heavy”

Toyota can’t believe how much money you spent on that trip, do you know how much interest you could have gotten if you kept the amount in a tax free savings account?

Toyota never actually laughs just says “that’s funny”

Toyota goes to the game but leaves 5 minutes before it ends to beat the traffic.

Toyota goes to the all you can eat sushi place and orders a steak.

TDI Cup was already a thing.

Nah...we are too busy crashing our cars leaving cars and coffee to care

I keep telling myself, “you will not be able to insure this for less than the cost of a SpaceX rocket launch.”

I keep telling myself, “If you trade your GTI in for this you will probably lose your licence.”

After a good night’s rest, it is time for my internal body clock to wake me up. I start my days with coffee and a nice big breakfast before heading to the gym, which I love. I take some supplements to multiply the #gains; I love seeing free progress. My favorite thing to do is biking but because of the recent crash I

A) What did he do to piss car dude off?

You took the words right out of my mouth - been a sport bike guy for years and this is the first bike that really has me wanting to get muddy.