
Curt Schilling had a diverse voice. I don’t remember anyone at Deadspin bemoaning his firing from ESPN. Not a suspension. FIRING.

Cool stats. He was still a juiced up asshole.

Putting “Redskin” in the same category as “Nigger” is an insult to African Americans.

You should see a psychiatrist. I say this with no hint of snark.

Can’t wait for ANTIFA scum to get the same treatment the next time they want to play dress up and pretend to be tough guys.

What’s worse? Being an adult man who watches a “pretend sport”, or being an adult man you uses the term “feels” as a noun? I’d go with the latter.

Good for them. I hope more school districts take their lead.

Spend more time concerning yourself with “homophobic” Middle Eastern countries, you know, the ones where being gay is a crime punishable by death.

For people who don’t take them on the regular, it provides energy.

“Tornadoes” is offensive to those lost loved ones and/or their homes to tornadoes. This “finding things to be offended about” can be pretty fun! Thanks for showing me the way Deadspin!

Why are they cheering for him? What did he do other than jump on a bandwagon that was already steamrolling down the road?

“Son of a bitch” is now going to be taken literally just because of who said it. Laughable.

I’ll keep this in mind when an ad for sports bottles comes up on my Deadspin feed.

“Snowflakes chant at heel wrestler for being a heel”. Fixed it for you.

“Always kick a man when he’s down. That’s when he’s closest to your feet”.

It’s not your fault. It’s the fault of the person who is letting non-football-watchers write football-related blogs.

How about Deadspin just stop covering the NFL if there are so many readers who need to be given alternative viewing options?

Affirmative Action should be illegal, then we can move on to Nepotism.

Why aren’t there more white NBA Players?

How are you sure this dog is a “boy”? Who are you to assign gender identity?