The fact that this isn’t included for free with Switch Online is utter bullshit. And if they’re going they charge 3x what Bank cost, they could have at least included a way to battle people Unlimited style.
The fact that this isn’t included for free with Switch Online is utter bullshit. And if they’re going they charge 3x what Bank cost, they could have at least included a way to battle people Unlimited style.
Are you saying we should stick to sports?
there is a 99% possibility that the leftist shitbags who run this site have shadowbanned me
I love how obnoxious screeds like this are always 50% fantasizing your own oppression because it’s the only way even you can imagine your flaccid, poorly constructed diatribe having any weight.
In a rational world that valued outcome as much as intent, this would be greeted as the equivalent of shouting “Heil Hitler”. I don’t care how “well intentioned” you think communism is “on paper”
Lol shut the fuck up dumbass boomer
All of the stuff you say he is is more typical of entitled white men than millennials. Plus, he’s not a millennial.
Duncan Hunter is 43, don’t drag millennials into this.
You should be able to get sponsors as you progress, from the various businesses you visit. One of the best design choices they made was having the champ be covered in logos, which fits the soccer aesthetic really well.
I disagree that you’re not on an a particular team. You’re on the “challengers” team. This whole event is gym leaders vs. challengers.
Just FYI in case it wasn’t obvious, the final attack on Ardyn was the“Knights of the Round” summon, with Noctis’ father taking the place of King Arthur at the end of the attack.
I haven’t read all that much about it, but everything I have read leads me to believe that anyone complaining about the current Pokémon releases are, in fact, being entitled and whiney. It’s the sort of complaining that seems to merit condescension.
I also don’t see it. Seems pretty harmless, no ones advocating genocide or telling you how to conduct your Dexit strategy. It’s just asking that you keep the virulent anger in check for a single holiday. Not everyone needs to hear about how upset you are over your lack of a Squirtle. Especially during a time when…
People: I won’t get VR until people start making games for it.
To be fair, she was only three weeks old.
I have never used all the Pokemon in the series in ANY Pokemon game I have ever played, and I have played every Pokemon gen. I’ve never transferred up my Pokemon from previous games, because I like building a new team and not using the old one. And the only time I ever turned off Exp Share was when I was trying to…
It’s one thing to be like “hey, I don’t like the changes here...I’m skipping this one.” It’s quite another to get pissed because people who actually have played the fucking game are actually enjoying themselves despite its issues.
We get it. You don’t like Pokemon--sit down already.
No, because I’m an adult and $60 for what is being warmly received - explicitly recalling experiences similar to Red/Blue -and reported as a minimum 40 hour game (not including meta) seems like a solid deal.
is it difficult being this boring of a person