J Derbez

Mate, project in development NDA is basic thing you need to adhere in this kind of business. “it will only hurt their marketing”, when their business is creating content, leaking the said content is serious thing. Don’t undermine it.

I am completely fine with this. Break an NDA? Pay up. Simple as that.

chonky boi is best boi.

Not to state the obvious, but Metal Slug is built for an arcade stick. It’s... you know, an arcade game.

Ah, I see. So all fighting games. Was expecting a few Metal Slug here and there.

Greedfall is not making a purposeful commentary about the difficult nature of social change in the face of concentrated power structures. It’s not. I can’t stress that enough. It simply isn’t. It. Is. Not. Doing. That.

The animation quality for Sun and Moon is actually some of the best animation the series has seen. Just because it isn’t in traditional 90s style like it’d been for most of the run doesn’t make it garbage. 

I do that in FFXIV and, again, I am a Grown Ass Adult And Games Journalist Who Must Play Countless Games A Month Who Can’t Play Two MMOs In A Hardcore Raiding Capacity. Like, gosh.

Because I’m a grown adult with Things To Do, my guy.

Kotaku Game Diaries have been a thing for a thing for a while now—a staffer has posted personal diary thoughts every day at noon since around 2016 at least. At this point, I should hope folks understand that these are personal reflections on games we are currently playing. And I have, once again, been trying to play Dr

Told nearly this exact story a few weeks ago. I went to an EXTREMELY rural town in Mexico to basically pour concrete floors for homes and do a few side jobs here and there, and they had a Neo Geo cab. To this day, the best KOF 98 (looking at the dates, it was somewhere in 96-98) player I have ever seen was this kid

That’s true, but it’s also mostly the oldheads who know who Gygax was in the first place. WOTC/Hasbro don’t emphasize him in their marketing materials. The 5e PHB avoids naming names entirely, but alludes to both men:

This mythology of one guy creating everything out of nothing is almost always wrong when it involves multiple people working in the same direction. 

There’s always other people in the background who don’t get mentioned as much because their ideas were incomplete or unmarketable. The person who takes those ideas, moves

“Grognards and oldschoolers,” yes, that’s it exactly. It’s not new to people who were adults in 2006 and may have grown up in the 70s-90s playing and living DnD.

Yeah, lord KNOWS you can’t spare the time to read something and become informed and develop a worthwhile opinion. Chalk it up to “negative nancy articles.”

Another great write-up on a topic near and dear to me, Cecilia! It sounds pretty clear that both these guys had some huge moments of genius that made (A)D&D what it is, so it’s a shame that it (perhaps inevitably) got so contentious.

Dave Arneson got Jack Kirby-ed.

I guess you didn't read far enough into the article to see that Arneson sued TSR a couple of times over the past few decades. Does that count?

Eh, this dispute has literally been a thing for decades.  Just no one wanted it to interfere with the narrative that had been constructed.  Hell, it was a topic of discussion in the hobby shops I frequented back when Edition 2 was the brand new ruleset.

You’re not the smartest tool in the toolshed are you, kid?