
Why do I suspect that noted multi-billionaire Mark Zuckerberg who travels pretty much everywhere with an entourage including a security detail doesn’t use Lyft and even if he did would not use his cellphone to set up the ride instead one of his assistants doing it?

Can there really be any natsec reason for the EPA chief’s phone calls being classified?

Wouldn’t it be easier to just not be a worthless piece of shit?

Yep. But as for HER claims, I’m afraid we’ll need 4 notarized witness statements and no less than 2 videos...

Hey, a man spoke up about being harassed! So now they HAVE to get rid of Farenthold! That’s the rule, I didn’t make it up.

This is all very shocking to learn considering what a intelligent, courteous, dignified, and not at all creepy as hell looking gentleman he always carried himself as.

You don’t have to use even if you have it. I was playing last night and did fine against some of the players who were running around with it. The gun is only as good as the player wielding it, and if you got an OP gun but your aim still sucks then no weapon is going to fix that.

sounds like D1 mayhem clash

Only a good guy with a fire space laser can stop a bad guy with a fire space laser.

this man is correct. the logan act shit is bullshit. the lying to the fbi for political reasons stuff however is lethal.

It’s a crime to lie about it to the FBI and Congressional committees, and to ask the head of the FBI to drop the investigation, then fire him when he doesn’t.

I fully support everyone’s right to bare a muzzle-loaded musket. Just as the founding fathers intended.

Boo. Hoo.

I bet WOPR could crack it

No absolutely not, The possible range of AES-256 keys is 2^256. The worlds fastest computer can do 33.36 Petaflops AKA 33.36 * 10^15 floating point operations per second (which is not the same as “guesses” per second theres some overhead to attempting to decrypt the data and verifying it) but for the same of

So instead of intelligent gun control like the rest of the civilized world has, Congress will pass laws saying we can’t encrypt our phones.

Or maybe he likes to use his/her brain, and would like to read an article about science without references to ancient fairy tales that have nothing to do with anything in the article in particular or reality in general.

Whatever brings in the Christian clicks, I guess.
Maybe you should do this with all science based articles.
Perhaps anything about climate change can be titled, “Hell is Winning the Battle for the Overworld”?
Maybe if we pretend that everything stems from a fantasy version of the universe, we can sneak

Agreed. As for your grammar question, “between” is a preposition. Prepositions take objects. Therefore, the decision is between her (object pronoun) and her (possessive adjective) doctor.

Great news, but let’s see if they’re convicted.