“have years of expensive expansions and embarrassing mistakes damaged the Destiny brand for good in many players’ minds?”
“have years of expensive expansions and embarrassing mistakes damaged the Destiny brand for good in many players’ minds?”
The Problem is it took 2 $20 DCL and then a $40 DLC to get it to this state and people are just over it.
The problem isn’t with the ‘wait and see’ crowd. It’s with the scores of players that felt burned yet again by Destiny 2 and it’s Year 1 content. They’re not waiting to see what the future looks like, they’re done with the series for good and aren’t looking back. And Activision, as with any publisher, is too insulated…
Nope, never going back. Fooled me twice, that’s too much.
It is 2018. This is the era of “it is bad when the other side does it” and then when your side does that very thing, you just deny that you’ve done it.
I’m with you- I agree with what you’re saying but I don’t know how to word this without sounding contrarian:
The problem is everytime someone tries, sites like this write giant articles about how “Men are trying to take power away from *real* victims of sexual assault” and then accuse them of being sexist MRA sympathizers.
If you think racism is dead, police across the country do a fantastic job and definitely don’t target people, or that voter suppression is an issue we still face today, then you’re a white supremacist
I know that this is not the right place to ask this sort of question... But can we take a second and put ourselves in the officers’ shoes? They responded to a call saying that there was an active shooter in the casino, they had no idea where the shooter was or what he looked like, they risked their lives to go in and…
Bengals or Cowboys. They don’t have a problem with Pryors.
nah this season’s been dope af
I was.pissed they shot that skull. Yeah let’s just fuck up one of the greatest things in history.
Now that you mention it, the amount of starting white defensive backs is problematic.
The thing is, this is like when Fox news tried to call out The Daily Show for not being “Fair and balanced.” That’s not The Daily Show’s slogan, just like winning isn’t the fucking goal of the “dirtbag left.” Winning is the goal of centrist, career politicians. That and claiming to “go high” are the only currency…
“I love Golden State, it’s the best. Favorite state of mine for years. Love to visit there, hard workers there. They win, just like me. That Stephen Kerr is a fantastic player, really great. Him and I go way back, he loves me. Been a fan of them forever. Huge fan”
While that could certainly be the case, it wasn’t in the video.
Don’t pretend there weren’t news organizations out there whose polling gave her a 99% chance of winning the day before the election. Huffington Post comes to mind. They, and others, lured us all into a false sense of security because their methodologies couldn’t account for things like people who decided in the last…
Another good part of this video is at 0:25 when the guy in the Hurricanes polo says “I gotta pee” and takes the Mountaineers fan’s spot.
Did you ever play a team sport?
I just wanted to point out that this was perhaps the most pointless debate about a casually written sentence ever.