J Burner

Unfortunately things like affirmative action make it more likely that the doctor of color only had to be half as good to acheive the exact same spot as a white doctor. Patients are aware of this.

I don’t know why I read Depp in Mr. Burn’s voice

merrr sensitivityyyy

and release her criminal history.

You know anybody can make a username just to mess with someone else right? Especially sensitive people who take hard stances.

Goombas from Super Mario movie

Think of it like someone trying to learn football for the first time.

Whatever you say Greg

This is interesting. Louis CK and Southpark did an episode about calling people ‘fag.’

18 to enter is a not a law. Its a rule enforced by the club, so you’re correct. Being 17 in an 18 to enter club has no legal ramification. The club has the right to restrict you from its property, but no crime is committed by you entering. If she fought with the cops they could easily hit her with trespassing, but

That isn’t a law. The club has a gguideline that restricts anyone under 18 from entering (for liability reasons.) Its mainly to protect themselves and their bartenders from accidentally serving minors AND for segregating kids and adults to avoid highly questionable situations such as this.

Finally a happy ending for a rich white person.

Pulling someone down by their backpack while they aren’t looking is apretty cowardly way to get your message across. I’d be willing to assume anybody who does that is a piece of shit. Regardless of skin color.

Didn’t he say that after being violently thrown backwards to the ground?
Is there another video?

I’m pretty sure silver had to come out an apologize for 538's bias

Every poll except LAtimes and IBD.

he’s correct

I wouldn’t call Fox partisan news because it’s not news. It’s a registered as an entertainment network

“This was a big sticking point for ol’ Gregggggggggggggg Easterbrook back when he used to write Tuesday Morning QB, and Gregg was kinda right!”

And those net the exact same union dues