J Burner

Lying to your readings for a full election was one thing. Now you’re going to sell them movies based on political preference?

It means there is a rediculously large gap between the population and the users of the resources from the area inside the circle. You don’t want that in America. We call it oppression and we try and avoid it.

52.8 voted against Hilary. I’m not sure what we’re proving here.

Anybody who jumps to attacking intelligence, rather than understanding passion is in fact ‘stupid.’

I’m implying the media hasn’t been speaking for the majority of american’s for awhile now.

I was being serious. Its a perspective I haven’t thought of this deeply before and it makes sense.

I think this showcases the divide between what the media considers ‘stupid’ and actual americans.

Thanks for the perspective.

In a nutshell

In this article. The definition of Astroturfing

Any change in trend is considered statistically significant.


He did. I just don’t think Rubio would allow himself to be nominated just to lose. And i think if its anybody else but trump at this point, that candidate will lose. Kasich is more likely to ‘take the loss for the team.’ So to speak.

I’m forecasting. He’s running on the ‘fuck the media’ platform anyway.

Id assume Kaisch?

No idea what your looking at...

What about them?

Very true. All about perspective.

Nah. You’re looking to rationalize hillary clinton’s words in the above video. You’re defending somebody who doesn’t feel remorse.

This isn’t hate speech.