One night when I was riding home to New York City’s Brooklyn borough on the C train, an older man started smiling,…
One night when I was riding home to New York City’s Brooklyn borough on the C train, an older man started smiling,…
I think middle-aged men see Trump as the living personification of their own stupider moments, which they don’t want to be held accountable for, so they defend him as a pre-emptive move to excuse their own behavior.
Damn. He hit every fucking note: The Wall, The Klan, North Korea, McCain, Hillary, the NFL, the distractions, Puerto Rico, Gun control, drain the swamp, the military, the Deplorables.....everything.
You mean like 8 mile?
That’s what I thought! I saw the screencap and was like “who is that??”, then saw the headline, and my lady boner wilted into a question mark
I don’t know anything about rap, but this didn’t seem that great in terms of the rapping per se, though I appreciate the sentiment. I do think that Eminem looks really attractive here, handsome even, a feeling which confused me...
I wish people would stop doing this shit. Anyone with the emotional surplus to be deeply upset by gun violence on a TV show right now has nothing better to worry about. Just air it the way it was intended to air without going through this moronic kabuki where showing people getting shot on TV is treated like it’s as…
JFC the responses you got to this are fucking nonsense
Are you trying to imply that Dermot Mulroney and Dylan McDermott are two different people?
Okcupid taught me that too many men haven’t bothered to read a book since high school. They all seem to pick the Great Gatsby as their favorite book.
Okcupid has taught me that you can’t throw a stone without hitting a polyamorous person. If those demographics are any indication of offline statistics, I am the last monogamous person under 35.
I think we’ll get it back - the implication of this episode is that the four keep getting to the same place emotionally, over and over.
Same. I find the Eleanor/Tahani relationship more interesting than Eleanor/Chidi in many ways. Better jokes too.
I am not pleased that Eleanor and Tahani’s complicated, forked-up friendship seems to be a casualty of the reboot. Or that the possibility they could be soulmates was treated as a throwaway joke.
I’m a little hesitant about throwing away a season’s worth of character development. I really enjoyed the ways the main 4 interacted/grew.
Again, I love that your quotes recaps always pop up in the comments of shows I love - New Girl, Insecure, Crazy Ex Girlfriend ...
Want to hear something weird? I live in Calgary and a rapper I follow on Twitter DMed me to find out if I could help him with moving to Nordegg. Nordegg! How obscure is that?
I hate to be That Guy, but as a fellow Canadian citizen, umm, you spelled our capital city wrong.
Ok. Fuck Daren Aronofsky for this wankfest male privilege masturbatory bullshit of a movie.
What makes this shitstain even worse is that there is a good horror film to be made from this material - but this isn’t it.
It sucks so bad I am astonished anyone greenlit it in 2017. And I’m really pissed off that Jennifer…
Well... I don’t like the guy, but that certainly seems like a justifiable response to someone bringing up manslaughter committed by your dad.