
The general rule of gambling is never bet on the Cowboys, Patriots, Yankees, whoever the frontrunning hoop team is for the year (Warriors/Cavs right now), Notre Dame football, or Duke/Kentucky basketball due to inflated lines. This was one of those weird years where the Cowboys and Patriots were great and covered

What did Steve Beuerlein do???

I still can’t figure out if it’s more disturbing that Penn State is allowed to have their program or if Baylor is allowed to have theirs. How is what happened at SMU so much worse?

It doesn’t bode well for our country if the Naval Academy gets tricked that easily

That was a forward pass. Karma caught up to him.

at least this broad he was fucking wanted it


“but lost to the St. Louis Rams at the beginning of their Greatest Show On Turf run”

What an embarrassment... letting a place kicker push you around??

When I played high school football, the underclassmen had to carry the pads of the upperclassmen. That was it. That was our hazing.

A-Rod approves of the coach’s actions.

President Donald Trump.... it has such a beautiful ring to it! Suck it, liberals!

That picture cracks me up every time. Obama is just looking at him like “is this seriously our next fucking president?”

He was taking drugs offered to him by a family member after a car wreck? That’s how most heroin addictions start

Just keepin it real!

Batter Fouls ball out of play.

The previous article was about making a case for Jorge Posada, yet Vlad didn’t get in? People forget how freaking good Vlad was for a solid decade.

Inducted into what?

He was a good player on a team filled with great players to get him those rings. At no time in his tenure with the Yankees was he even one of the 5 best players on the team. .270 hitters who were not memorable for anything other than whining like a little bitch when Girardi slotted him in the 9-hole are not hall of

500? That’s nothing compared to the White House when the Clinton’s were there