“YOU STUPID BITCH!” My jaw hit the ground when he screamed that at her.
“YOU STUPID BITCH!” My jaw hit the ground when he screamed that at her.
Yaya DaCosta has become a successful actress, too. She was a regular on Ugly Betty and is now on Chicago Fire and has been in a lot of movies including Lee Daniel’s The Butler.
Was that Adrianne I-got-my-cosplay-banned-from-SDCC Curry?
Didn’t one of them end up a successful actress?
I think you're forgetting the model who shall not be named by Tyra since she posed in Playboy.
Jade? Oh! You mean the “beautiful, bi-racial butterfly!”
Didn’t Danielle? Win that season? That was my favorite too.I also loved when Caridee beat Melrose, cause she was so stank face and Caridee was so sweet, I thought. Man, I want to watch all the Top Models!
You had SEX *voice crack*!?!
Do you remember a season or so later when Tyra said to one of the contestants, “Okay, Jade.” and the panel cracked up?
Hooboy, Tyra’s unfortunate red phase...
omg jade. i forgot all about her. thank you.
Good lord, the crab claws.
This is some of the most weak-ass posing ever. And I literally mean weak. It’s like none of them could even hold an action pose, much less perform any of the actions.
and he had the most pitiful phone voice
remember when the blonde one got drunk and cheated on her fiancee with a super hot italian guy