It’s interesting. There was a point in time, a couple of decades ago, when I thought Liam Neeson was going age into the next Anthony Hopkins. Instead, he became Charles Bronson.
It’s interesting. There was a point in time, a couple of decades ago, when I thought Liam Neeson was going age into the next Anthony Hopkins. Instead, he became Charles Bronson.
This had damn well better be Walton Goggins’s year. The man is LONG overdue.
My dad (born 1948) loved this movie. Especially the soundtrack - he once sat me down to watch it, and explained the background, meaning and significance of every single song. He would have loved this article. Thank you for posting it.
Is it a great adventure movie, though? Thinking back, only the car chase and train heist at the beginning were really first rate action scenes What I remember of the rest was a boring gunfight in a leftover Doctor Who rock quarry, a middling space chase and a climactic shootout in some dude’s living room. My biggest…
Stone has always been crazy. This is nothing new.
“Hurt”, obviously, but also “Welcome to the Machine”, and most impactfully, Phillip Glass’s “Metamorphosis” in the finale.
For the record, some of us saw that it was satire, but just thought it wasn’t particularly good satire.
I love the movie, but the ending sours it a bit for me. Mary Jane may not love her fiancé, but he’s portrayed as a perfectly decent human being who sincerely loves her and does not deserve to be left at the alter. I know, dramatic scene and all, but she really could have done the right thing and broken up with him in…
Kicking people in the face is for little 5' 8" dancers like Norris, not for a 6' 4" moose like Jared.
Clancy Brown, AKA Clarence Brown III, son of Congressman Clarence Brown Jr., grandson of Congressman Clarence Brown Sr.? Heir to the Brown Publishing Company newspaper empire? Yeah, I bet he had to wait a lot of tables starting out.
This is one of those movies that, if I change the channel and find it on, I’ll always find myself watching it to the end.
I just wish she’d sign NDAs too, and thus be barred from writing songs about her exes.
That show was way better than it had any right to be.
The good (first) half-season of Luke Cage.
Plus, he’s a working class guy who got he was through talent and hard work, which still put him under the absolute control of an inbred dilettante.
Me too. The start was a bit shaky, but the latter half of the season was solid as a rock, with some scenes as good as any on GoT.
I haven’t forgiven them from killing off Rebecca Ferguson’s character. Not only is she a great actress and a great character, they took the one person who was Hunt’s equal in every way and replaced her with a woman he has to save.
Several Species of Small Furry Animals Gathered Together in a Cave and Grooving with a Pict: A Knives Out Mystery
You mean the producers? Sadly, no.
It’s a well-written article. Who cares what it’s about?