
Bat wings should go on everything.

Count your blessings.

I've always wanted to play Derajik. I keep hoping for an XBLA game or something.

I just started reading Fables too. I'm only three comics in. So far I'm noticing that it's trying hard to play off the whole concept like it's just a twist on the real world. I hope it gets really mythy. I hope it's not just: the fairy tales happened a few thousand years ago and nothing happened until now.

How is Anansi Boys? I read American Gods a few months ago but Anansi didn't exactly get me that interested. Does it have the same scope, or is it more of a small spin-off?

I know what you mean, some characters drag the story down considerably. I found that the author manages to at least stick those dull characters into interesting settings or near intriguing side-characters so you still want to read them. I'm thinking of a specific example but saying anything about those books could be

I didn't even know that came out yet. So it's a good story? Sometimes these game books are afraid to expand much on what was in the game.

I'm reading Paradise Lost right now. Which is about as fun as it sounds.

Heh heh heh. I was just messing with everyone. I've been sitting back and watching the hilarious debate about these supposed options.

Who's that girl in the top picture, some new NPC or something? I don't recognize her.

That's okay, I was kidding.

So no American Apparel closing sales... sigh.

That's why all the actors are using Canadian accents.

Yesterday I was joking about how these riots are going to overshadow our Vancouver riots. Today I find out that it's completely true. No one except the mayor is going to remember our kerfuffle.

That was over my head at the time. I was like six when that came out.

Nevermind Apple, what's Disney going to do if Mr. Jobs dies? He's in charge over there too, right?

It shouldn't be added to the list, but I remember when I walked out of Gladiator I was shocked to find out that Oliver Reed was CGI-ed after he died part of the way through production. That might have been the first time it ever hit me that this kind of thing was possible.

One of my main motivations for playing that game was to see more of those spectacular cut-scenes.

It's true, that's impressive work. Since the show isn't flashy with it's special effects you don't really pay attention to the unreality of it. It helps that you don't want to look directly at his half-face.

All the Disney-fication in the world can't stop this story from being intensely creepy.