
I love that idiots like this still don't know that banning a book will guarantee that it's read. Let's make sure they never figure this out

Note to self: Make some crazy, specific predictions in the comments section next year.

Very, very true. Good examples too. I hope you're right.

People are hilarious, delusional but hilarious. Now that these spoilers and set pics are coming in so fast everyone thinks they're a Hollywood insider.

Sounds exciting.

Haha, it still feels like a trap.

You guys are amazing. Look at all those answers!

This is why I'm convinced that elevators are magical inter-dimensional portals.

Shhh. If we let them get riled up about the London riots they'll forget about our... kerfuffle.

I read the headline as "Tibetan Fighter". My jaw dropped. Fortunately Giz isn't monstrous, I'm just slightly dyslexic.

I do that with garnishes and good plating. Eating food right out of the package usually makes me eat way more than I need. If remove all the packaging and make it look like a good meal your mind accepts it.

Those tips are life-savers. Us poor multi-monitor fellows need all the help we can get.

Honest question: How can there still be little planetoids to discover in our solar system? It seems like earlier this year and last yer there was a big influx of discoveries of possibly earth-like planets revolving around stars waaaay out there. Shouldn't we have our backyard mapped out yet?

Heh heh. This feels like a trap.

Thank god our housing market didn't fall through during the supposed recession, right? ...right?

I dunno. As much as I hate the guy, I think he might be on to something. I'm spending all my time consuming, I see no end to it. Here I am reading Gizmodo and my Google Reader is still full. I intend to watch a movie later and PVR some shows for tomorrow. I spent a while messing with my phone earlier, now I'm filling

This is what Old Lace has to resort to. Come on Marvel, let's have another Runaways series.

Oh, big deal, I had that same basic idea years ago.

The way you describe Rogue makes her seem like the safest beard ever.