
Inception's incredibly successful teaser, and to a lesser extent Tron's, sparked this weird rush to find that hair-raising sound. But it worked so well in those movies because it was integrated into the movie and the score. Those were very talented musicians and composers creating those noises. You can tell when the

"The real money is in games—and increasingly, in online services"

I loved improvising characters out of what I had. And when I was a kid there was no Star Wars Lego. Those were fun times.

Now playing

Now I have the Scissor Sisters stuck in my head.

Troy Baker's my favorite. He makes characters infinitely more likable.

I have a hard time imagining what my literary life would be like without Harry Potter.

I had a hard time with the first three books. I saw the hook, but it struck me as a unique setting, but they were formulaic kids books. The character got into danger but I didn't take the stories seriously. They were easy to read. Extremely easy. I think I zipped through them in a couple months. But then The Goblet of

"filling it with a little backing soda" should be "baking soda"

It feels like I shouldn't be looking at Taylor's nipples. I don't think I looked at his face the entire time.

You could try I, Jedi. It's spin-off/retcon of the Jedi Academy trilogy (those terrible books with the Suncrusher).

I've never thought about how intimidating it must be for all these kids to work with such amazing older actors. That would put a lot of pressure on you.

You have to be choosy about what SW eras you like. The Clone Wars and the Rebellion Eras are GL's to do with as he wants. It's much safer being a fan of the Old Republic stuff or the New Republic/NJO/Legacy era. George Lucas might one day turn his Sauron-like eye towards those eras destroying years of, at times,

Aaron Allston is writing a new Wraith Squadron book. That's just about what you're asking for.

Start with Zahn's Thrawn Trilogy. It was the first post-Return of the Jedi series written. It's pretty spartan, but it's self-contained and sets up a lot of what happens for most of the books after that. And it only requires that you watch the original trilogy.

My favorite is NJO: Star by Star. It was the first time I actually cared about what happened in the EU. Plus is made me cry a few times. The Jedi strike force and the apocalyptic alien invasion thing helped too.

Aaron Allston is writing a new Wraith Squadron book. I think it's scheduled to come out next summer. I'm pretty excited about that. I hope they go back and insert X-Wing books all over the timeline. They make for fun little adventures, and it's nice having mostly new characters.

Yay! EU on io9. What a wonderful day.

I love how aware she is of her own crazy looks. It makes for some great roles.

I would have nominated the frog line.

That wasn't her, was it?