
I've always wanted to stick my fingers up a gorillas nose. They're just asking for it.

When I was really little I used to think they used moon rocks to make road signs reflective... cause the moon's reflective, right? I don't know how I made that leap of logic, but I remember being very worried that we were going to run out of moon rocks soon.

I love Mr. Cataliades. I hope they bring him and the other demons in at some point.

I hope he gets something out all that fancy blood. Those rules are very undefined though. I don't see how it could be a permanent thing though, that's just too much.

He actually was wearing pants in the book. I checked it because that's what I remembered too.

That article on Jez said something I didn't expect though:

I like the fairy war too. I'm kind of glad that she died here instead of later, offscreen. also her intro wasn't as subtle or endearing as it needed to be. The other fairies will surely fill the gap she's left behind.

Pro: True Blood can still shock me and give me those anticipatory giggles.

The trailer now seems incredibly misleading, but in a good way. I kinda wish I didn't read all that (my fault, not yours) but I'm glad that they haven't gone the route of the synopsis trailer.

I'm amazed that it could take off from the moon.

This movie is making me intensely worried. With most movies I can enjoy them whether or not they are extremely successful, but when there's a potential for a sequel it makes me crazy. And this movie is such a massive risk. I wish the uncanny valley thing wasn't such a big deal, but it seems to be what everyone is

I kind of want someone to make a cartoon series that covers everything. I'm sure it would be profitable, and pretty sustainable too.

Poor Harry Lennix, that would suck to be best known for a role on Dollhouse. (He was also in the Matrix sequels.)

I want to go there, but since they're getting to all these amazing locations via helicopter it might be a challenging trip.

Pull both analog sticks in the same direction. Oh my god the tie fighters are coming! Panic!

Uuuhhhh... I can't be the only person who finds them horrifically frightening... right?

So no more arrested development Arrested Development movie jokes? What will we do with ourselves?

Just because you've tasted caviar doesn't mean you can't enjoy french fries. And you never know, some fries can be amazing. Syfy has definitely gone very far downhill since they lost Battlestar. But you can't condemn all television just because one cable network is cutting costs and avoiding serial TV. AMC and HBO are

I'd much rather be an "other one" rather than 1/8th of a circus act.