
I could not get through The Road. Every time I picked it up I would get depressed. Ugh.

Technically she's permanently 17, so maybe never.

Definitely. Anna Paquin is not great at being likable. Fortunately Alan Ball knew not to make it the Sookie Stackhouse show.

Anton Yelchin is the best. I'd watch his eyebrows for hours at a time.

They couldn't spring for a more apocalyptic font than Parchment?

Apparently that was actually just a metaphor.

okay, "inter-racial marriage" is a thing but "intermarry"? An intermarriage sounds like a different arrangement than a normal marriage.

In Soviet Russia cats smoke cigarettes.

This reminds me of the old days when I used to read and write ridiculous Lost theories like this. If you manage to raise enough doubt with the first few paragraphs then you're golden. After that you can just give vague, tedious examples until your audience gives in. And as with all those Lost theories even if you're

Well who knows what Meat Cat eats.

Good job. I'd play that.

I just tried it too. That was singularly embarrassing.

I really want to go the Bradbury Building now. When I saw it in Pushing Daisies I was amazed, but I didn't really think it was real... I don't know what I thought. The crew from Pushing Daisies: the location scouts, or the set builders, or the art directors; probably all of them; were fantastically talented.

The Marine Building is one of the few pieces of architecture in the city that I love visiting. And it's been used in many projects filmed in the city. It was the Daily Planet in Smallville (was...). It was the Baxter Building in Fantastic Four. It was used extensively in an episode of Caprica, that was the best

More importantly.

Ooooh, disaster-porn. I thought it was going to be really tragic porn.

The Cloud Atlas rumours are very confusing. This is the first I've heard that the actors are going to play multiple roles in each story. But still. It's going to be weird. I just hope Ben Winshaw is going to play the Zach'ry in the middle section.

Helium is the reckless friend of the elements. It's just asking to be wasted. "Look at me, I can make anything float. Breath me in I'll make you sound like an Animaniac." Just like that friend who you're kind of hoping gets herpes, helium deserves to be wasted.

I get to play a game set in Vancouver! You New York people always get games set in your city. For the first time I get to walk around my virtual city.

Has there been any news on the English graphic novels? They announced it back in February, but I haven't heard anything since then.