
That sounds messy.

I know nothing of Doctor Who (and I might understand less after skimming that review) but I'm so glad that Alex Kingston has good work again.

I need to read more new books. Unless one of these books has a chance of getting adapted then I'll probably never read them. That's a roundabout way of saying that I'll only read the Sookie Stackhouse book.

And that would have definitely helped the situation in Israel... right?

I'd like to see Luke Skywalker's total. But he is always letting other people do the dirty work so probably he wouldn't compare.

I've said this before, but I can't get over it. I am unnaturally excited about seeing Jaimie Alexander in this. I'm fully aware that I like Natalie Portman, and even Kat Dennings, more than Jaimie, but still. And I didn't even like Jaimie's character in Kyle XY, the only thing I've ever see her in.

I want to know how IKEA's pricing works. I think it might be the starkness of their price signs. Same with H&M. I go into those stores and see something I have no desire to own, but I see the price and I just go with it. The other day in IKEA I was looking at magnet clips for a fridge, a bag of them for $4 and I

I don't know if being surrounded by enablers is the best thing in the world. It might be fun, but I'm quite sure it wouldn't make you happy.

This'll bring us one step away from Dr. Mann curled up in a bloody sheet, surrounded by dead doctors saying "This is my fault"... or maybe someone will take an amulet out of Jordan.

seven out of nineteen. A pretty good summer. I'll miss Mad Men though. I loved watching True Blood then Mad Men last year, it simultaneously stressful and relaxing.

I've been waiting patiently for that. You just know they had way more great ideas of the show.

Number 5 is, from my perspective, the most important one. Hating or shunning new fans because they didn't jump on board early will make sure that next time the creative minds behind the show launch a new show *coughJossWhedoncough* people won't be flocking to join the fanbase. I think that Arrested Development fans

I'm pretty sure the "Don't Be Evil" thing has turned into a "they went that-a-way" thing. It's non-slanderous, but it still forces everyone to think that Google is good while everyone else is evil.

Ugh, I hate "maybes". I refuse to accept a "maybe" I just assume they meant no.

Those are some nice differences between the two franchises, all valid, but it's the similarities that make everyone worried. The main similarity being the yearly game (with the inevitable and outrageously priced special editions) and the constant DLC. Not only do the loyal fans pay a large-ish yearly amount but they

I'd love to see some Network notes for that script. They would be priceless.

Netflix streaming is available, but the content is different across the border. We can get HBO here too.

Who fired Carrie Fisher?

I've tried getting my friends to watch other shows with me but it's not the same. We did it with The Walking Dead and we're trying with Game of Thrones, and it's fun, but there are no big discussion/arguments afterward.